Chapter 2

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If I can stop one heart
From breaking,I shall not live in vain;
If can ease one life the aching,
Or cool the pain,or
Help one fainting robin unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain
-Emily Dickinson

After school I drove home as fast as the speed limit would allow. I had packed most of my things last night. I gave my drum set to the next door neighbor's kid. And being the generous person I am of course I let him have it.
All I thought about today was California. I had a good feeling about it somehow. I clutch my necklace and smile. I'm finally leaving this place,Mama. I park my car and head inside the house.

"I'm home,Deena." I shout.

"Come in the dinning room,honey. I'd like for you to meet someone." Deena says. Uh-oh she only uses that voice when it's someone important. I cautiously step into the dinning room still holding my car keys. First I see Deena then I see a tall male figure. He wears skinny black ripped jeans and combat boots. My eyes travel towards his upper body. His black leather jacket making him look more badass. Damn...that jawline. He bites his lower lip,making his lip ring disappear.
Soon realization hits me. I know him. He's one of my all time favorite band. Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides. He's my inspiration for music. He helped me stay sane through the years of pain and loss. I drop my keys. That seemed to bring me back to reality;I jump back slightly. He comes closer and bends down to pick them up for me.
He then stands back up and hands them back to me. I clear my throat. Act cool Lacie. I tell myself. I compose my face of any emotion. "Thanks. What brings you here?" I ask raising an eyebrow. I'm really good at hiding my feelings,but right now,as I look at him,It's like he could see right through me. Then he tilts his head back a little and smirks.

"So you know who I am?" He asks. His voice was so deep and raspy I could listen to it all day. I shift my weight to my left side,and roll my eyes.

"Everyone knows who you are. I've been listening to your music since it came out." I state. He laughs slightly.

"Unfortunately not everyone. But it's nice to know you listen to BVB." He says. I can't help but glance at his lip ring every time he spoke.

"I hate to disrupt your little reunion but Ben will be here and we have to head to California." Deena says.

"Deena why is Andy Biersack here?" I ask.

"He's my cousin." Deena says looking away from me guilty. I open my mouth.

"You've seen me watch interviews and music videos of him on YouTube and you didn't say anything? And every time I said I wanted to see him on tour and you could've said 'Oh well Andy Biersack is my cousin,we could just visit him in California?'" Ugh. I say frustratingly. Deena flinched. Andy stifles a laugh. Seeing what I did,I adjust my shirt." Sorry Deena. It's just that you know how much BVB helped me escape my past." I sigh. Andy looks at me confused. I just ignore him. Deena smiles.

"How come you never told me?" I ask. She pulls me in for a hug and whispers," Because I know it won't be long until you fall for him. And I just want to keep you to me and Ben for awhile." She sighs. I pull back and look at Andy. He's messing with a lighter. I roll my eyes and laugh humorously.

"Fall for hi? You must be crazy. I'd doubt he would even like me. And plus he has a girlfriend-Juliet Simms-." I say matter of factly. Deena shakes her head.

"Juliet cheated on him. They're done. He was really devastated. It's best if you don't mention her around him." So that's why he hasn't done any interviews or songs with her for months.

"Okay." I say. I know it's like when someone hurts you so much,It's hard to breath. It's like your being suffocated. I completely understood Andy's pain.

"So Andy is coming to Cali with us because he lives there and we'll be staying at his house for a while since we haven't bought a house yet." Deena concludes. We're going to Andy Biersack's house? Any girl would kill for this position. I know I would. I try not to smile and remain neutral. This day just keeps on getting better and better.
Then Andy walks to my right. I could smell faint cigarettes and Abercrombie. It smelt like...home. I shake my thoughts away. I just met the guy. I notice I've been staring at him because he smirks-again-his lip ring tugging upwards. I look away and blush. Wait did I just blush?!

"So I heard you play the drums?" He asks. I clear the lump in my throat.

"Yeah,I've been playing since I was 15." I state. His eyes seem to bore into mine again.

"You know who CC is,right?" He asks.CC is the drummer in BVB. I nod my head." Well he's in Chicago with his family. His Stepdad died from cancer." He says sadly. My eyes widen.

"Really? Omg is he okay?" I ask. Why does everyone's life seem messed up? First Andy's breakup,now this?

"He's...handling it. So the point is we need a new drummer to cover for CC. Just until he comes back to Cali." He said. So he's asking me to take CC's place? Well, this day can't get any better. He looks at me with hopeful eyes." So? What do you say?"

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(Never Say Never by The Fray)

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