Chapter -2

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Areesha's pov:

As I entered my office I was greeted by my employees I just nodded and went to my cabin. I know they were talking about me as arrogant and rude CEO I know that I became stiff but I was not like this that one situation changed my life. I was as lively and jovial person

"Areesha come on yaar it's already late " my best friend Swetha said "coming Swetha " I yelled and went towards her smiling we went towards her car and started to go to college "hi Swetha how are you? I missed you" our common friend sanjitha said "hi sanjitha I'm also present hear" I said I know she doesn't like me because I'm not like them but she shouldn't treat me like this as if I'm not even present at all "of course I know that you are present here I mean how can I forget you motu" she said I felt anything inside my heart but then I thought these things I have been facing all my life then I shouldn't feel bad right but I'm not fully used to that feelings.

My thoughts were broken by my Angel's Voice "mommy" I immediately I wiped my tears "mommy you cying " Ishu asked "it's crying baby " I said laughing and making her sit on my lap only my ishu can make me laugh "mommy siddy uncle came I saw him out" she said uff why did this Siddharth come now.

"Hii Ashu " Siddharth said "hi Siddharth take your seat" I said making Ishu eat her breakfast as she didn't have in the morning "Ashu I want to talk with you about something " he said nervously "I know Siddharth you love Swetha but she is not accepting your love but you have to persuade her if she accepts you then I can convince uncle and aunty for you" I said patting Ishu sleep. Siddharth just signed and nodded.

"Ma'am there is a meeting in fifteen minutes" Stella my assistant said I just nodded "Stella call laxmi aunty for me" I said in two minutes laxmi aunty came "aunty look after Ishu till I complete my meeting if she wakes up in middle and ask for me tell Stella she will get near me " I said aunty nodded.

"Nice meeting you Mr. Eugene Peters " I said "nice meeting you too Ms. Areesha keshav " Mr. Peters said. As meeting proceeded for half an hour about how improve company's profit and how by this deal with Mr. Peter company public will be benefitted and we can increase the profits too as I sat after my presentation finished I was about to sit Ishu's voice came from meeting's room "mommy im scared" she came running near me I lifted her in my arms and started consoling me "what is this Mr. Keshav how can you bring your daughter here in the meeting room it's not justified" Mr. Jones said I was ranged "Mr. Jones I didn't leave the meeting right I'm attending it for your information I'm the CEO for this office and I'm a mother too so if my daughter needs me then I will be there for her if you have problem then you can leave this deal I can manage it myself " I said in dominating tone they never saw my ice cold CEO voice and personality "Mr. Jones you have to see that Ms. keshav's work dedication as a mother and CEO not just taunting her " Mr. Eugene said.

At last meeting completed I thanked Mr.Eugene for what he said in the meeting time.


Hey guysss I updated the chapter.

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~Shailaja :-)

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