Chapter - 39

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Third person's pov:

Swetha and Anchal reached areesha's house and the first thing Anchal did was to call doctor so that he could check swetha's wounds "Swetha go have shower and change into pretty's dress" Anchal said "why do you call areesha pretty?" Swetha asked him "hmm why pretty means she is always pretty and cute" he said smiling Swetha start to feel like something which she never experienced even when Siddharth was close with areesha "ohh" that's all she said and went to areesha's room and looked around its the same always giving her friends love and warmth she smiled and went towards the her wardrobe and was about take shower but stopped after seeing the scene in front of her it's like there was a partition of the wardrobe she got anxious and went through the dresses and gifts and saw the name written and got tears in her eyes it was the picture of her and areesha when they were best friends and before misunderstandings occurred between them 'i really regret my fault areesha, I shouldn't have listened to Sanjeetha's words I'm sorry ' Swetha thought crying Hardly she felt someone hugging her she turned and saw it was Anchal she hugged him completely and cried out hardly "shhh.... it's okay you can ask pretty sorry later she is not even angry on you" Anchal said rubbing her back "how do you know that she is not angry with me" Swetha asked him still hugging him "because when you cut your wrist by mistake I heard that concern and worry about you, she didn't leave you at all in times you needed her so now it's your time to prove her that even you still consider her as your best friend still" Anchal said swetha just nodded"now go freshen up and come doctor will come and check on you and no protesting" Anchal said Sternly.

Swetha went to shower but her thoughts were still roaming on Anchal and his talks how did he get to know what are her thoughts going on she just erased those thoughts and dressed up into a simple Kurti and leggings went out to see Anchal already ready and doctor came and checked swetha gave injection at that moment Swetha clutched anchal's hand tightly after taking rest was one hour Swetha came out only to see anchal and was setting up the table for lunch "hey from where did you get the food? And your clothes from where?" Swetha asked "hey hmm ya I asked the watchman to get the clothes from the nearby shopping mall so he got and as per dinner I prepared i didn't order from anywhere" Anchal said swetha was just staring at him open mouthed "hahaha close your mouth otherwise insects will go inside " Anchal said and closed her mouth and laughed Swetha blushed red. They started having dinner silently as they were starving without any proper food, later they just sat in living room and were watching TV the house phone rang "it must be pretty she told that she will call" Anchal said and lifted it "hello Anchal" areesha said "hello pretty" he answered "okay tomorrow morning my assistant will come and give to tickets so take and come here to Goa and don't bother of clothes everything is set" she said Anchal only said okay and hung up "hmm what did areesha say?" Swetha asked "she said that her assistant will come and give us Goa tickets we should be there " he said she just nodded and smiled. After sometime they retorted to their respective rooms.

Here everyone were seeing at areesha intendedly as they were not knowing what she was planning but they were sure that something big she is doing which they are not able to understand what? "Guys let's order pizza" areesha said grabbing everyone's attention and they nodded "okay I will go and call Swetha and Siddharth to join us" she said and left to call them. "What is she planning?" Raj asked "only she should know did she tell you anything ayun" sanju asked him "no yaar she didn't tell me anything" he said still thinking what is she planning.

As areesha knocked the door Chanchal and Siddharth were shocked "who is it" Siddharth asked "it's me Siddharth areesha" areesha said "why did you come?" Siddharth asked from inside itself "hmm we are all ordering pizza is it okay with you both for dinner" areesha asked them "okay it's okay for us you go we will come down soon" Siddharth said "okay" areesha said and came down towards them smiling and winked at them. After one hour pizza was delivered and everyone were about eat but areesha stopped them "guys we will eat while watching some drama" she said all of them just nodded not understanding anything all of them sat in the couch and areesha gave one headphone to each couple and put the laptop in the middle ready she asked everyone nodded yes "Swetha and Siddharth pizza is delivered come have with us" she said shouting from the living room "we are coming" they heard Siddharth answer.

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