Chapter - 14

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Swetha's pov:

How I'm I going to tell mom and dad about my relationship with Siddharth? I think I have to ask areesha to tell them... Woah wait up Swetha why are even bothered to tell her it's been three days that you sent her a message about your relationship and she didn't even give reply to it I think Sid was right about areesha having an cold heart. Umm let me try for one last time , with that thought I called her office number as I know she won't answer her mobile while she is office.

"Hello this is Stella speaking Areesha keshav's secretary how may I help you" I heard Stella's voice "hey Stella Swetha speaking here , may you give the call to areesha " I said "umm sorry Swetha but areesha ma'am said not to disturb her" she said hesitantly "Stella I know but this is urgent " I tried to tell her "I'm really sorry Swetha but it's strict order from ma'am " she said and Hanged up. Yeah areesha is totally has a ice heart. With that I marched towards her house to wait for her there so that she won't escape from my sight.

After reaching her house I rang the doorbell laxmi aunty opened it "Hi Swetha what a pleasant surprise beta , come on come in" laxmi aunty said "hi aunty I came to meet areesha as Stella said she was busy in office I came here so that I can talk to her at lunch time when she comes" I said smilingly "but Swetha I don't think you should meet her today she will tired so you can meet after two days" aunty said it seemed like she was convincing me to meet areesha later "no aunty today only I will meet" I said stubbornly.

Aunty tried to convince me but I was reluctant to give it a chance to even hear it. Atlast I couldn't hear these refuses "what is the problem , if I meet her aunty did she tell everyone that I should not to be allowed to meet her , firstly I messaged her three days a ago to tell her about my relationship with Siddharth but she didn't bother to even reply to it. Now she is not even allowing me to meet her , I have been trying to call her but always her phone is busy. I think she has become totally a cold hearted one as she is not bothered about anyone , she doesn't even deserve to have friend like me " I busted completely. "Enough Swetha you have said so much , yeah she doesn't deserve a friend like you because friends won't call their best friend a cold hearted or a least bothered one you told what she is doing to be so busy right you listen , she has been admitted in hospital three days back and she is still recovering from it , she has been resting all the day and all the work at office is put on Stella's shoulder but that also areesha can't see struggling so she has been constantly working from home to reduce her employees burden , but you are right a cold hearted person should do like this. Before telling her cold hearted did you at least some and check on her on these three days when she didn't reply or receive your calls , no right then...." Aunty was cut by Ishu's scream "Grammy mommy shiviting " Ishu said running towards aunty. Aunty ran towards areesha's room with Ishu in her arms and me at her back.

The scene in front of me was really horrible areesha was shivering very badly aunty quickly put comforter on her and turned on rooms heater to warm her. "Swetha please come after two days she will be alright" aunty said Caressing areesha's hairs I just nodded and left.

Areesha's pov:

I was resting as my health again started to get worse so aunty called doctor he simply said that I'm taking stress a lot how can I not take the stress , the whole work stress came on Stella as I'm not going to office how can that she even manage when she has to work and then prepare for her exams too so I started working from home so that I could help her and my staff a little.

I was listening to my Ishu's cute little talks about her Barbie dolls I heard a commotion outside I heard Swetha screaming her words started to hurt me like anything how do people hurt already a broken person maybe I really became a cold hearted person I think suddenly after hearing to her hatred filled words I was not able to control my tears I know doctor told no emotional stress but her words caused a lot of my emotional stress and I suddenly started to shiver it felt like someone put a bucket full of ice on me I heard Ishu calling me and crying , aunty coming and covering me with comforter on and telling Swetha to go and come later , but I couldn't find my voice or I could open my eyes.

I woke feeling little better only to see aunty sleeping putting her head on headboard and Ishu sleeping on her lap hugging my waist , I just moved a little aunty woke up and saw me awake "areesha beta how are you feeling now" she asked caressing my head "I'm feeling better aunty " I said my voice came feebly "aunty am'i that bad that people think me as cold hearted person" I asked "I heard what Swetha told aunty " I added before she could say anything "it's not that dear it's just they don't know your value in their lives" aunty said I just nodded but I know that there is no value of me in anyone's life.


Hey guys I am very sorry for not updating early I have been caught up so much of work these days.

I know this chap might have not been your expectations.....

I'm sorry if I didn't reach your expectations...😐😐

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~Shailaja 😃😃

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