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It was a beautiful morning as the city was celebrating it's 90th anniversary of when it was founded

(note: i do not know the name of the city on my street if you can tell me this i will fix it latter for now i will call it Street-city) 

Aphmau's POV

aphmau-*yawn* what a beautiful day. Welp, I am gonna go make break....

I had stopped because I could already smell and hear pancakes being made in the kitchen

Aphmau- oh I wonder who is making those

 I walked downstairs after putting some clothes on and saw that everyone was here. Garroth, Dante, Aaron, Zane, Travis, Lucinda, Kenmer, Laurence, Brendan, and everyone else was here.I looked in the kitchen and saw  Vlayd, Katelyn, and Kawiiai-Chan all making pancakes.But in the corner I saw someone I've never seen before.So I walked over to him.

Aphmau- Hello. I don't believe we have met before. whats your name?

???-Hmm... Oh hi there! the name is Xaviar (=p). And you are.... 

Aphmau- I'm aphmau and not to be rude but your name sounds kind of funny

Xaviar- says the one whose name sounds like someone is having a yelling competition with a cat

Aphmau- Oh now that's a new one. A witty guy it seems.

Xaviar- naw. just trying to make a great first impression

Aphmau- well i'm already dating someone so....

xaviar- Oh no not that!! I'm actually married so i'm not on the market either

Aphmau- whoa! really? How old are you? 

X- i'm turning 32 this weekend

Aph- cool cool

X- I'm in town for work, but me and Zane knew each other so I'm crashing at his place 'till i go

Aph- Well that was nice of him

just then Zane walked up to  me

(play this video at this point)

Zane- hey aphmau, can i speak with you in private?

Aph- sure

Me and Zane went down into the basement.

Zane- Aphmau it's nice you are meeting Xaviar, but I want you to be careful around him

Aph- What? why?

Z-I was unpacking his things last night and he had a loaded P90 pistol in his bag

Aph- WAIT! WHAT!!!???

Z- yeah, that was my reaction too

Aph- should we call the cops?

Z- no. we don't know what he wants to do with it

Aph- what should we do then?

Z- don't worry. we outnumber him 13 to 1. If he does anything he would not stand a chance....

But as Zane said that we heard a gun shot from above


Z- what is going on!!!???

We ran up stairs to see Xaviar throw Aaron out the window and into the rosebush.Everyone else was on the floor Knocked out expect for Travis and Lucinda who were in the kitchen. Travis's leg was twisted sideways and Lucinda was holding him up.

Z- oh my.....

Travis- Aphmau! Zane! get out of here now!

Aph- what was that you said about him not standing a chance Zane?

Travis's POV

Ugh.... my leg is hurting like hell and everyone else is hurt.

Lucinda- Travis, ive got an idea.

T- what is it?

L- i'll teleport you to safety and at that point you will go find aphmau's mom. I'm sure she'll know what to do.

T- but what about you and the others?

L-don't worry about us! are you ready Travis?

T- ready as i'll ever be

L- remember, you are our last hope. If you fail it's all over. no pressure.

T- Im feeling a load of pressure!!!!

I was about to say something else but Lucinda had transported me to aphmau's old neighborhood

T- time to find mother-mau

Aphmau's mom's POV

It was 11:00 pm when I heard a weak knock at my door.

AM- oh! who could that be?

I walk over to the door and open it.

AM- Yes? what do you.. OH MY IRINE!!! TRAVIS IS THAT YOU!!!!???? WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU???!!!

I ran over to the phone and called the only person who would answer this late....

( hello guys!! xtheboss here!!! this is my first non interactive story. I hope you will enjoy) 

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