CHAPTER 6: Backstory time

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Aphmau's POV

Aph-LET ME GO!!!

X- NO!!!

It suddenly dawned on me that Xaviar was serious about killing me.

Aph- listen. I know why you hate everyone else but, why do you hate me?


Aph- what are you saying?

X- it happend 27 years ago...


X- It was my 5th birthday, and mother went into labor. A few hours later she gave birth to a beautiful  baby girl. Everything was fine until the day the little girl learned to speak...

Baby girl- mamma

Mom- Oh my!! 

X- from that day the girl was loved more and more, and I was paid attention to less and less... I got jealous and tried to do things in school to get noticed in the house. But all that did was get me in trouble whenever I messed up even the slightest.

Young X- but... but... but...


X-But one day before my 7th birthday I came up with something that was sure to get mom's attention...I ran away from home....BUT NO ONE CARED!!! mom acted like I never existed. Because of one little girl, one little baby, I had lost everything!!! my mom, my home, my toys, my bed, my room, EVERYTHING!!!! I used my supreme intelligence to build a little hut in the woods. Every day a woman would come out to my hut and bring me food, water and things to repair my hut when it was broke.

Aph- let me stop you there! Are you saying that you are my brother or something?


Aph- meep, please continue...

X- Then one night there was a thunder storm that destroyed my hut. The woman brought me inside her home. After that she had adopted me and everything turned around. I graduated high-school 2 years ahead of schedule, got my masters degree in robotics, married a beautiful girl, and a never saw my old family again. Or at least not until you moved back into town.

Aph- ok so that can not be blamed on me! that was mom, not me.

X- yes, but you started my troubles back up!!

Aph- how?

X- Every time you and your friends did something, I lost something dear to my heart. Your dog killed my cat. Katelyn and Travis trampled my wife's flower bed. You killed my "mom". And after that happend I was so distraught with grief that my wife left me!!! And you did more than ruin the world around me. *lifts up both pants legs and his right arm sleeve to reveal robotics* I HAD TO TURN MY SELF INTO A CYBORG BECAUSE LAST JULY 4TH ONE OF YOUR FIREWORKS FELL TO THE GROUND BEFORE GOING OF IN MY FACE!!! YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING TO ME IN YOUR LIFE THEN MAKE MINE MISERABLE!!!

Aph-wow.... I'm sorry

X- It's too late for sorry....

Aph- where are we going anyways?

X- *has a evil grin* how do you feel about volcanoes?

( hey guys it's me again! and I have a request for you. I am having a contest to see who can make the best fan art of any of the events covered in Xaviar's life. the winners will be guest stars in chapter 10!!! Have fun and make your best works of art!!!)

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