chapter 7

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CRAP! Its Ms.Tara Rose this poor girl is so torn bless her heart.

"Tara rose baby girl" I said as I kneeled down to her level

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. And Im not gone lie I felt a lil some which is very rare. I cupped her chin with my hand

"Ma im taking you to my house and you are going to tell me what is going on with you" I said while looking into her eyes and wiping away her tears. I picked her up and put her in my car and told her I would bring her back in the morning to get her car. The car ride was silent for like a couple minutes until she said some

"Abel im sorry you had to see me cry for the second time you probably think im some sad puppy"

"naw its cool I think you have been through alot you have a wall built up and your broken and torn but sad puppy naw"

"how do you know that" she said with a lil attitude

"cause its all in your beautiful eyes I can see it babe" I said while ignoring her attitude.

We pulled up to my house and went inside. She sat on my couch and I went in the room to get her some clothes and some towels so she could wash up and take the make up off. I like for my girls to not have make up on I feel like it hides their true beauty. "here take this and get washed up i dont want any makeup on you and I want you to be comfortable" I demanded "oh and babe do you like drugs ;)" I asked she said yea and took the stuff. When she came out the bathroom I was laying down on the bed and told her to lay by me which she did. I handed her a ecstasy pill and she looked at me.

"You wanna be high for this" I said as we both swallowed pill together.

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