♥ Intro ♥

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(Y/n) : Your name

(H/c) : Your hair color

(E/c) : Your eye color

(F/c) : Your favorite colour


''So, you got us what we want?'' The leader said, stepping closer to (Y/n).

''Yeah, it took a while, but i got it..'' He replied, his hand moving forward with the pack. Some of the gang members stared at it intensely.

''Dude, is it...''

''Ja, I think so.''

Some voices reached (Y/n) ears, making him furrow his eyebrows. 'Haven't this people never seen a few syringes...?' (Y/n) thought, while watching as the leader quickly grabbed the bag cautiously, looking at both sides, and handing (Y/n) the money.

'And, the big price!' He thought, looking at the dollars and counting them. $732 dollars. Smirking in delight, he roughly grabbed them and hid them among his wallet. He turned towards the gang in the darkness, only to find them missing.

Shrugging his shoulders, he started walking towards his apartment. His day today has gone smoothly, the pay for those drugs one of those good things.

Looking at both sides of his horizon, he realized that not even a single car was going on the street. Blinking, he resumed his walk towards his house, which was not too far from there.

After a few minutes of crossing streets here and there, climbing upstairs and walking in the hallway, he finally met the door that made a wall between him and his comfy bed.

Letting out a sigh, he took out his keys and turned them to the right, the door letting out a soft 'click!' before opening completely.

Closing the door behind him,(Y/n) took out his black jacket and sneakers. Putting them aside, he opened his fridge and took a slice of a pizza, and happily started munching on it. The slice was from a few days ago, not like it mattered to him. Food was still food. After finishing the cold slice, he washed his hands and teeth clean.

He paused a second his routine and looked at his reflection. From his (H/c) locks, to his deep yet gentle (E/c) orbs. From his button-like nose, to his slightly pink lips.

Many girls usually thought that he was a cute boy of 16 years old. Haha- No. Actually, he was pretty sure he was 19.

Many of his friends thought the exact opposite when they met him, some of them flirted and blushed, or they simply ignored him.

Damn his feminine touches.

Closing his eyes for a moment, (Y/n) let all his thoughts go away and resumed doing whatever he was doing.

;-; Timeskip brought by a sexy Jeffery Woods poster ;-;

Jumping into the covers of his matrimonial bed, he turned the TV of his wall on.

Looking around his room, he realized that he left the window open along with the (F/c) curtains. Groaning, he lazily stumbled out of his bed in boxers, shivering when touching the cold and hard floor.

'Damn, i need to leave that habit of leaving it open..' (Y/n) thought while shutting the window close.

Sighing in relief that the cold breeze in his room stopped, he once again jumped in his bed, quickly grabbing the covers and repeating the sentence '' So cold, so cold, so cold, so c-'' over and over and over.

Shutting his eyes tightly, he pressed the button of his TV 'mute'.

'Damn it. Why did I even turned that thing on..?' (Y/n) mumbled before falling into his oh-so-waited sleep.



Soooo- what do ya' think of my style?  Should I change something' or...?

Welp. Sorry if this is bad. Will try to update when possible.

Until then!  


Creepypasta x Male! Illegal! Reader - Lost soulWhere stories live. Discover now