♥ Chapter 2 ♥

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;-; Meanwhile ;-;

Masky let out a sigh, pulling down the binoculars.

Trenderman had been recently being more and more... Uh, like a crazy designer? But when he asked what was the problem, he nor Hoodie saw this coming.

To be more specific, him. Or (Y/n). The most wanted criminal in the whole country.

Yeah, idol to some of the creepypastas, murder, drug dealer and mentally unstable to others...

Either way, his thoughts were interrupted when Hoods poked him. '' What?'' Masky asked, turning to face him. Hoodie pointed a finger through the bushes.

Turning his head around, he saw that the male from before started slamming papers and documents around.

'Finally snapping, huh?' He mumbled standing up. He offered a hand at his friend.

'' Come on, Hoodie. Our mission can continue tomorrow.'' Nodding, Hoodie took his hand and stood up as well.

Both of them started walking into the deep forest.


Feeling the tears trail down his cheeks, (Y/n) let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He smirked. 'So they believed that?' He thought, sitting himself straight. Letting a dry laugh, he turned his head towards the forest, were the two proxies were previously at.

Grabbing the phone from his pocket,he called his boss...After a few seconds, a click was heard.

'' Boss?''

'' It's midnight, you brat. What's your fuc**ing problem?!''

(Y/n) let a small smile form on his lips.

'' Heh... I noticed that I may not come back. That's all'' And with that, he broke the cellphone on 2.


Finally on Slenderman's mansion, where his siblings are at, the two proxies stepped through the door.

Ignoring all the ruckus in the living room (more like Jeff and BEN playing a game), they headed towards Trenderman studio upstairs.Going down the hallway, Hoodie knocked on the last door two times before hearing a soft 'Come in!'.

Opening the door, they saw Trenderman with a mannequin that had the appearance of (Y/n).Both proxies shrugged their shoulders and looked at Trenderman, Masky stepped out slightly.

''Trender, your model is finally snapping'' Masky said, both of his hands behind him. Trender let out a surprised gasp, and (magically) took a hold of both of Masky's shoulders.




Creepypasta x Male! Illegal! Reader - Lost soulWhere stories live. Discover now