A Morning at the Malfoy's

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quick note: Emilco is officially almost 1 year old! Next month (May 7th) is emilco's first year anniversary.
And thanks for 110 views already.
Emily continued to eat the chicken fingers while Draco told her his life story. Emily couldn't care less but looked interested so he would buy her more chicken.
"And that's why I'm blonde."
"That amazing," Emily said, nibbling on her finger nails (and a tasty nugget). Finally, Emily was stuffed and decided to go to Malfoy Mannor with Draco. Emily and Draco apperated away.
Draco saw his lovely house and immediately ran towards it. Emily followed. Draco threw open the door and yelled "MOMMY! FATHER! EMILYS HERE!" There was a loud crash and a disheveled Narcissa showed up.
"Mommy!" Draco gave her a hug.
"Um what was that crash?" Emily asked, also giving Narcissa a hug.
"Probably Lucius. I may have pushed him off the stairs to say hi first." Lucius limped over.
"I hate having a large house. That means large stairs to fall down." Lucius tied his long, luscious hair into a low ponytail with a fabulous bow.
"Hello, Lucius!"
"Hi Emily.  What is Draco wearing?"
"A bathing suit!" Draco twirled around and struck a pose.
"Where can I buy one?" Lucius said in awe of its beauty.
"A muggle swim shop!"
"Ew muggles. But I want one."
"Ya, they're pretty fab." Emily then walked up to her bedroom that the Malfoys had given her. Before bed she said "Dough-by!" The house elf appeared and spoke "You're not my master! Dobby was freed by the brave and noble Harry Potter!"
"Ya ya. But can I ask you something?"
"Anything. Dobby still enjoys Emily's company."
"Can you get my trombone from my house?"
"Yep!" Dobby was off. He later returned with the trombone and then left.
That next morning, Emily awoke to the sound of yelling.
"DRACO! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL YOU!!!? YOURE ALLERGIC TO MOLDY CRUMPETS!" Draco had probably been practicing his crumpet trumpet and decided to eat one. Not a good idea, but when does Draco ever have a good idea!?
Emily heard spitting and chocking noises which were obviously Draco.
"Ugh Draco STOPPP," Emily yelled from down the stairs.
"Sorry-*cough*-Emily*sputter*" Emily casually walked down the stairs unaware that her favorite bae would probably die. When she reached the kitchen, she was a red-face Lucius yelling at a blue-faced Draco.
"Ahhh!" She screamed rushing over to them.
"Lucius! Stop yelling! Your blood pressure! This is not good for your blood pressure."  Lucius took a deep breath.
"Fine. I'm calm. Now help your husband." Like a true Malfoy, he swaggered away. Emily ran over.m
"Draco, are you choking?"
Draco did not respond. How rude.
"Draco? Do? you? need? help?"
"Blah." Draco spat.
"Stop!" Emily snaked his stomach. A big, gross chunk of moldy crumpet came out.
"Thanks bae!" Draco gave Emily a huge hug and smiled. Instead of moldy crumpets, they both had delicious cereal for breakfast.

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