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"Mr. Brick, my lips hurt. I might quit band because of it."
"YES! I mean, ah that would be disappointing," but Draco wasn't convinced.
"I even put stuff on my lips, I still can't play."
"Good... I mean that absorbs."
"I know, I'll try to play."
"No, Draco it's ok."
"No! I'll play!" Mr.Brick looked sad, why was Draco so set on playing! However, Emily was feeling great! Her lips did not hurt at all! For some reason, Draco looked in pain while he walked.
"Draco, what's wrong?"
"Oh my lips hurt so badly I can barley walk."
"Draco that makes no sense."
"It does!"
"Noi!" Draco gave up, Emily was a great debater. Finally, it was time for the band concert. First, the young and terrible first years played. The sounded like poop! But Emily happily swayed along, pretending that the music of death was actually music of happiness. Draco, on the other hand, was screaming each time someone made a mistake. He would then grab his lips and cry a little. Even Mr. Bricks death stares could not shut him up. It was at last time for the "good" band to play. Emma sat in first chair because she was so great. She prepared to play her running notes and whoosh! Emily accidentally threw her slide, hitting a clarinet in the head! They screamed.
"Excuse me, my IQ is actually 1204848383930393884489493."
"You're*" the audience gasped, Emily roasted the clarinet. The clarinet turned around, defeated. Mr Brick picked up his magically stick, quickly glaring at Draco and then began to conduct. Emily hit all her high notes, and Draco, well, he's a different story. He messed up everything!!!1! He played his high notes lower than his IQ. Silly Draco. The band played their last note, and Of course Dummy Draco held it too long. Seriously bro? The Brick glared at Draco before bowing to the audience. They were all crying, even with Dracos mistakes the piece was amazing. Emily wiped a tear and softly said, "How do you feel about people who do drugs?"

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