Your Futures are Unwritten, My Pawns... For Now...

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My Readers,

        The last of your players have been introduced. They are as follows:

1: Scarlett Wilson: The Confident

2: Sky Jacklon: The Reader

3: Garth Benton: The Friendly Giant

4: AJ Blake: The Brainy Not-So-Smurf

5: Ellis Hackett: The Lifesaver

6: Aailiyah Clark: The Avoiding

What are your thoughts on the players? What are your thoughts on the Games? Oh, well the best is yet to come, my pawns! The best is yet to come...

Your Question:

What is your player's feared death? Beware... It may come true...

Your Riddle:

Many people experience me,

I kill, but also give life,

I am loud, but later quiet,

I will never die, but you will...

I am a plague,

Of man's own creation

What am I?

The riddle answer was man, as answered by 1Derpy and RubyWolfess. Indeed, I can be generous... But enjoy it while you can, for I may not be so in the future...

These next updates will begin to get longer, as I go deeper into the characters story and thoughts. Vote for your favourite character. It could influence the outcome, my pawns. Your player's destiny is in your hands...

Your destiny is unwritten... for now...

Now the excitement begins...

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