So Many Players, So Much Time...

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Jane Carbon-17

I'm trekking through the desert. The sand has finally died down. I wonder what happened to that boy I attacked. He's fine, most likely. If I wanted him dead, I'd have aimed for his chest. That was just to slow him down. I don't need to waste my time. They'll destroy themselves. Or the Gamemaker will. I wonder when he's going to start? Most likely soon. I see a box flow down. Another gift? No. A letter. I was right. It's time. It's been too quiet. It's time for him to interfere. I'm not falling into that trap, though. Fools. Who would? Everybody knows what's going to happen at the lake. I see the edge of the city, and keep on trekking...

Erin Venatora-15

I'm running out of supplies. Most probably are. It's been a week now. I've got enough water, finding a stream yesterday. But food is a problem. I could hunt, but I can't start a good fire. I hear a noise, and pull out my knife. I'm still in the forest, been hanging around in the bushes for days. I'm not going to waste energy. I jump out, ready to attack with my knife. I made a knife. It's not that good, but it can do it's job. There's nobody there. Instead, I see a box. I open it to find a real knife, a fire starting kit, and a letter. Go to the lake? No way. Most likely, others will be there. I sense a trap. I put my old knife in my pack, and use my real one. I go back and sit on the log I was on with my books. I hear a sound again. I jump around, and this time it's not a box...

Haydn Marks-18

I'm still sitting next to Allison. I've been up all night. I can't stop thinking about the temple. That cursed temple. And the letter. And Allison. Especially Allison. What she said still puzzles me, but I can't let it distract me. Not when her life is in danger. I hear a sound. I look around and see a box. Another trap. I grab a knife and open the box cautiously. No. Inside is some more of that cream, some fruit, and a letter. Another letter. Do I want to read it? I do. What I read doesn't please me. Go to the lake? Accomplish a task? No. I'm not. Partially, because I want to defy the Gamemaker. And partially because Allison's here. There's no way I'm leaving this spot. I see her move. She groans, and begins to stir...

Marco Lucky-17

God. This is terrible. It's boring. If only I had something to do. My food has run out. I regret leaving Blake now. I'm out of the plains and in a forest. But oddly, there's snow. That wasn't in the description of the Arena... Odd... So I'm also freezing. There's no animals here. What'd be stupid enough to live here? And all the water's frozen. Maybe I am unlucky. To myself. Then I see a box, and my mood actually brightens slightly. I open it. There's a knife, sword, bread, sleeping bag, and water bottle. Wow. Maybe your luck's improving, Marco! I see a letter, and read it. Go to the lake? I do need stuff. Food, water, unbelievable money! I look to the sky, and sure enough, there's the beacon. It's a long way's away, but I can manage to get there by sundown tomorrow. I pack everything into my newly discovered backpack, and off I go...

Blake Shadowdawn-16

I'm in a forest. My food has run low. I managed to catch a few rabbits, but not enough to live off of. I haven't encountered anybody, either. I've just wandered aimlessly, looking for food. I found water. A stream not too far away from where I am. I sigh. This sucks. Then I hear the noise. An attacker? I grab my knife, and creep to the spot. There's nobody there, but a box lies at my feet. I open it. There's a sword, well not a sword, but a blade larger than my knife. A bow and arrows. Oh yes, this can help. As well as some dried meat, and a letter. I store the supplies in my pack, and read the letter. Do I want to go to the lake? Yes. Better than this. And the prize. Oh, that's tempting. I see the beacon, and decide to go to it. Let's see what's to come...

Sophia-Rose Jones-18

We're still in the mountains. Still. This Arena is huge. It's like a whole other world in here. From he mountains, you can see most of the Arena. There's a city. Not going there. There's a forest, a jungle, plains, a desert, swamp, and a lake. The lake has a beacon of sorts. A bright shining like coming out of it. I wonder what that means? Then I see the snow. The snow forest. Strange... I don't recall that being in the description of the Arena... and I didn't see it before.

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