A Champion Falls...

92 11 7

Jane Carbon-17

What was that? Who was that? I throw my knife at the source of the arrow. I hear a clang of metal. It's him...

''You're a bad shot, Matthew!''

He shows himself. It's him...

''Greetings, Miss Carbon.''

There he is. Tall. In armour. A look of steel on his face. A look of hatred. A look of evil. The Gamemaker's champion. Upon his appearance, lightning flashes, and rain begins to fall. Of course. Great weather for the moment...

''So, the Gamemaker wants me dead, now? He wants you to kill me?''

''Indeed, Miss Carbon.''

''Miss?! What do you think I am?! A lady?!'' This doesn't affect him at all. As usual, he remains emotionless.

''What if I kill you?''

''I cannot die.''

''You won't kill me. All those times I was saved by you in past Games.''

Indeed. In earlier Games, when I was younger, it was he that had saved me from those attacking me. If he hadn't have showed up in my first year here, I would be dead. But did he do it for me, or did I just get lucky enough to escape his wrath? I've seen what he's capable of, and it even frightens me.

''I don't think you will kill me! What if you killed the Gamemaker? What if he was punished? After all, he has enslaved you.''

For the first time, I see something different in his eyes.

''I- I can't.''

Of course. He is like a zombie. A servant, a follower of the Gamemaker. He cannot break free, for he is already dead...

''I thought so. Then you'll just have to kill me then!''

''Very well.''

''At least try.'' He pulls out his sword. Oh, darn... And I actually run from him. If I can get to the shop... Yes! There it is! I turn the corner of the road, and run inside the shop. There's everything in here. I grab a sword, and hide behind a shelf. Luckily, Matthew's slow. His only flaw.

I hear him enter.

''Carbon? Just give up. You can't stop me. Nobody has.'' I push the shelf onto him and run out. I can hear him yelling.

''It is foolish to keep on going! You know you will die! Just give up!''

I run to the end of the street and wait for him. I need to kill him. If I don't, I die. Sure enough, he walks out. He charges at me, and I block his swing... barely... He is a powerhouse. I can't swing back, because I'm too busy blocking his rapid attacks. I dive out of the way, and a swing just narrowly misses me. I kick his legs, and he falls over. He attempts to hit me with his small crossbow, but like I said, he's a terrible shot, and I manage to get out of the way.

He jumps up, and hits me with his arm. Pain surges through me, and I fall over. I feel blood come out of my mouth. He swig at me, and I roll out of the way. I jump up , and try to stab him, but he seems to anticipate it. He pulls out a knife, and stabs me in the side.

''Do you feel it, Carbon?! Closing in on you?! Do not persist! It is foolish to continue fighting!''

Adrenaline rushes through me, and I pull out the knife, and cut one of his gaps in his armor.

''Gah!'' He swings his fists at me. I dodge, but he grabs me and throws me onto the ground. Lightning flashes. The ground is now quite wet from the heavy rain. Slippery. Slippery...

''Hey, Matthew.''


''The bigger they are, the harder they fall!'' With all my might, I swing up from the ground and kick him in the legs. He slips up, and falls on the ground with a large crunch.

''Ohh... You'll pay for that...'' He grabs my leg, and throws me down. I pull out another knife, and throw it at him. Yes. It got into one of the armour chinks. I jump up, feeling a lot of pain now, and run back. He get up slowly.

''It's over, Jane Carbon.''

''Yes, Matthew. It's over.''

I grab the bottle from my pack. More like a perfume bottle, or potion bottle. The Zalzarian Fireball. I throw it at him. He raises his arm out to block it, and it bounces off his arm. Nothing... No explosion... He laughs, and that's when it explodes. Fire engulfs the street. I can hear Matthew's screams. Of rage. Of anger. Of sadness. Then I hear nothing. I fall, and everything goes black...

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