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Huh? Were am I? Scourge thought, looking around the white forest. Scourge arched his back. Is this what dead cats have to go through? Is this a test to take on every cat in the forest? I can take them on! 

"Show yourself!" Scourge hissed as he scented that he was not the only one here. A blue-gray she-cat appeared from the forest, and padded in front of him. Her eyes were full of envy and Scourge saw himself in her big bright eyes.

"It has been so long since I have seen you." The cat meowed, closing her eyes as if to see something that she just couldn't understand.

"What do you mean?" Scourge asked, sitting down but fur still bristling.

"Don't you remember? I'd expect it would be in your memories somewhere... deep down in there I see a frightened young kittypet named Tiny."

Suddenly Scourge was brought back to a memory he hoped he never had to remember again.


"What are you doing in Thunderclan territory!?" A large gray tom growled.

"Thistleclaw... he's only a kit.... it's not as if he poses a threat to us!" Scourge recodnized the she-cat's voice but was to terrified to look and see who it was.

"An intruder's an intruder, Bluefur! You're only saying that because he's a kittypet. You've always been to soft on them. Here, let's put it to my apprentice. What od you think, Tigerpaw? How should we handle this?" The gray tom smirked, glaring at the one called Bluefur.

"I think the kittypet should be taught a lesson. One he'll remember." The tiger-like cat boomed, arching his back and baring his teeth.

"So be it then!" The gray tom declared.

"Now, hold on., there's no need for this--!" Bluefur warned. But it was too late. Tigerpaw had knocked Tiny away. Tigerpaw slashed at Tiny's neck but the collar bell protected Tiny from that blow. Anger at the attack fail, Tigerpaw bit down on Tiny's neck with a death bite. Blood spattered the ground near them and Tiny was wounded badly. The gray tom's eyes were gleaming with joy at the sight that his apprentice was about to kill his first victim. Tiny closed his eyes, about to give up.

"Stop, Tigerpaw! That's enough!" Bluefur yowled.

"I was just defending our territory." Tigerpaw protested, lifting his jaws off of Tiny but keeping one paw planted firmly on Tiny's chest.

"And you've done just that. This kit has learned his lesson." Bluefur hissed, ready to attack Tigerpaw if he hurt this kit again. Tiny was afraid that Tigerpaw would attack again, but after a moment of hesitation, he took his paw off of Tiny's chest and glared at him, teeth bared.

"Yea. You'll never forget me." Tigerpaw growled darkly and disappeared back into the forest with the other two cats.


"Bluefur?" Scourge gasped.

"Bluestar," Bluestar corrected. Scourge looked at her blankly.

"I'm a former leader of Thunderclan. When I became leader, the last part of my name was changed to Star instead of Fur. This happens to all the leaders. Even Tigerstar." Bluestar explained.

Scourge nodded after a bit of thinking.

"But I am not here to talk about that. Your destiny was changed because of the one that you know as Tigerstar." Bluestar continued, ignoring Scourge's look of dismay.

"But.... what was my true destiny...?" Scourge asked.

"That is for you to decide." Bluestar meowed, touching Scourge's nose. Scourge looked at his paws. He was fading!

"Wait..... is this the end? I don't understand! What did you mean?" Scourge asked, but the blue she-cat didn't reply to any of the questions.

"Good luck. Let Starclan guide your new path." Bluestar meowed simply before Scourge faded away and everything became blank.

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