Chapter 5

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Shadow padded between the fence and the forest with Acorn and Wind behind him, not doubting him even for an instant. Suddenly Acorn stopped. Shadow turned his head.

"what's wrong?" he asked, tilting his head and looking at Acorn.

"its just," he started.

"we want to have cool names like yours!" Wind interrupted. She took a step forward.

"You mean, you want me to give you suggestions on cooler names?" shadow asked. The two other kits nodded.

"how about," shadow looked at wind.

"how about you can be Lightning, and you," he nodded to Wind.

"you can be Hawk?" Shadow suggested. Acorn's eyes shined in agreement but Wind didn't seem sure.

"I'll think I'll stay with Wind. It was Acorn's idea, I like my name." Wind looked awkwardly at her paws.

"okay, but Acorn, you still want to be Hawk?"

"erm, if Wind doesn't want it, could my name be Lightning?" Acorn asked, nervously pawing at the ground.

"fine with me," Shadow was suddenly tired of explaining. He layer down near the fence and motioned with his tail to show they could join him and he wouldn't mind. He fell asleep as soon as the other two kits slept up against him, the three keeping eachother warm.


Mint's POV

Mint opened her eyes to see a very gloomy forest full of cats. At first, it seemed like they where all just one group. But then, she realized that some of the cats had collars studded with dogs teeth and claws and the others looked more wild. She padded up to a fire-orange tom who seemed to be lost in thought. She waved her tail in front of him.

"Excuse me, but what is going on here?" She asked, her voice shaky. The tom payed no attention to  her. Then she looked and saw that he couldn't see her. She was confused at first, then realized she was dreaming.

"My clan and I fight when I choose," Mint whipped her head around at the voice. It was icy and calm but at the same time seemed to have all the strength and power of the forest. But what Mint saw horrified her. It was Shadow! But older. Though his size was as big as a young cat, Mine could see he would not hesitate to rip the next cat he saw's fur off. His collar was also studded with dog claws, and his claws where reinforced with dogs teeth.

"I will think about what you have said. There will be no battle today." Shadow added. Mint suddenly for the first time noticed a dark brown tabby warrior. His stripes where pitch black and he had many scars, one of which just above his nose. His eyes filled with rage as he heard what Shadow had said. His tail lashed from side to side and he angrily prepared to leap at the other cat.

"Traitor!!!!" The cat shrieked. Mint winced at the power in this cat's voice. It was so overwhelming that it nearly knocked her off her paws. The cat extended his claws and leaped at Shadow.

"Shadow, watch out!!!" Mint yowled, expecting to see her little son killed. But Shadow saw the tom and dodged to one side. The cat landed where Shadow had been only a few heart-beats before. As the tom turned to strike again, Mint watched in horror as Shadow lashed at him with his front paws, landing a blow on his shoulder. Mint was ever more horror-struck. She could never imagine her littlest kit fight- even worse, fight an experienced killer. But Shadow's eyes weren't filled with even an instant of fear. The large tabby's paws flailed and he fell onto his side. Mint saw that his belly was exposed but couldn't ever think of what Shadow did next. Shadow placed his paw on top of the tom. His eyes where filled with hatered and lost memories. Quick as a rabbit, Shadow slid his claws across his throat. Mint forced herself to keep watching as he finished him off. Shadow swiped a large vicious blow from the tom's neck to his tail in one slash.

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