Chapter 1:The start

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Dear journal

It's day 27 since the chosen one has turned corrupted.My family and I cannot step outside for the demons waiting for us will demolish us.We are barely surviving for me and my brother where taught how to use sorcery to duplicate our food but it takes too much mana.Father is calling I must go.Farewell journal wish me the best of luck.
-sincerely Alkaline

"Alkaline" my father shouts."Yes sir" I respond."The demons have broken through the barricade" he said."we need you to quickly fix it don't let this demons get you"He said.I did as I was told all it needed was a quick nailing down.Just as I turn around to get the hammer behind me just when I turn to look forward I see it.A demonic best know as the alkraba best know for feeding on your soul.He screeched into my ear causing me to go deaf for 3 seconds.Just as he was about to slash through my face an arrow shot through his face leaving him to bleed out.Although I did not know where or from whom the arrow came from I was grateful and scurried back home.As I told my father and mother they told me to be more cautious.

Dear journal

It's been day 28 since this terrible curse was set upon the land.Father is I'll and I must go and seek herbs and medicine to cure him.I will be going by foot and you my journal will go with me.

The old wooden door reeked of the old black mold.I opened the door about to set foot when my mother stoped me."be careful and here have this use it incase you get into trouble"she said handing me a dull stone sword.It was a heavy weapon.How was I to lift it I asked myself.Somehow I gather enough strength to lift it and just barely swing it.
I was walking in the burning,blood red dirt.From time to time I encounter demon dog.I tried slicing it but it's rough demonic flesh didn't even have a scratch.I then heard rustilg through the woods when a army of week melee fighter stormed out.At first I thought I was done for but instead of attacking me they attacked the demon dog.Once they left all there was was bones and the dead carcass off the demon dog.It was turning night so I decide to set camp.

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