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Kashimier's POV

I'm excited for today and I know you know the reason. Aaron will help me with basketball. I hope Khyleryle will join us. It's not that I like him (being defensive eh?) but he has skills that are better than Aaron's. Of course he'll show up, right? 'Cause I completed the task he gave me. And that, I almost well, died? OA.

After class,

I went to the gym straight already wearing my PE uniform.

"Hey!", Aaron greeted me when he entered the gym, still in his school uniform.

"Hurry up and change your clothes!" I said and I heard his chuckle.

I fixed my hair into a bun and I touched the ball which was on the floor.

"Ready Kash?", I heard Aaron' s voice so I turned around and saw him in his jersey.

"Yep.", I said and smiled


He's currently teaching me how to do a lay-up shot.

"C'mon Kash. Do it properly.", Aaron said

Tch. I'm really trying my best here! I wanted to shout but I'm sure as hell that he'll scold me for that.

Here I go.

Fail. WTF? It really looks easy when Aaron showed me the move. It's harder than I thought.

I immediately sat down and drank my Gatorade.

"Rest first. You're getting tired.", Aaron said

Getting tired? I am already tired!

My perfeclty bun hair has become a messy bun. My sweat are like holy water.

"You're sweat– rest and then I'll take you home. Let's call it a day.", Aaron said when he noticed my sweat.

"A night", I corrected him. It's already 7:30.

Yet Khyleryle never showed up. How could he? He said he'll teach me if I can do whatever he told me to do. But where the hell is he??? Tch.

After a few minutes, Aaron and I went home.

Though I am staying with Grace, her parents and my parents built a house for the two of us 15 minutes away from school.

"Thanks Aaron.", I said and smiled at him.

"No problem Kash.", he said and kissed the top of my head. I was surprised 'cause it's been a long time since he did that to me, when we were still kids.

He laughed at my reaction and patted my head.

"See ya tomorrow.", he finally said

"See ya. Good Night."

"Night.", he said and rode his black Honda Civic

I entered and saw Grace in the living room. Did she even cook dinner?

"Hey.", I greeted her, she looked at me and shifted her gaze back to the TV.

"I saw that.", she said with a smile almost teasing, WTF!

"We're cousins.", I stated as a matter of factly.

"Yup, and now, you're together again. Happily ever after.", Grace said

"By the way, how's your date?", I asked and sat beside her.

Well, she's using an app to meet up with some random guys.

"Not good."

"Mind to tell the story?"

"I met the guy in the restaurant and when I saw his face, one word crossed my mind, starts with letter H."



"I can't think of any. Tell me already."

"Hideous. His face is awfully gross.", she said with her voice full of disgust.

"You're overacting."

"I am not! He is so–ugh! He even wore shades! Yuck!"

"What's wrong with wearing shades?"

"Nothing wrong if it suits you. He's a fashion terrorist! I don't want to remember his face. I feel like vomiting.", Grace said and you can really see disgust written all over her face. Poor Grace.

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