Chapter Eleven ( Last )

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The next morning wasn't strange in anyway, amusing enough. Tyler and Nogla looked the greatest they ever did, and the exchanged glances had explained why. An elbow in the ribs from Jonathan always followed.

Evan was hoping well; All it took was a final kiss from Jonathan and it was all set.

"So, I have some news," Marcel said, a little smirk creeping on his face. "Craig and I are now toge - -"

"YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL THEM!" Craig cried, face blushing horribly.

"Oh, did I?" Marcel smirked again. "I must have forgotten."

Nogla and Tyler stole a glance to each other, silently betting on who bottoms.

"Well it's out now," Craig huffed. "Surprise."

Everyone burst out laughing before congratulating the two. Even Craig opened up a bit, though he kept the defensive front act up.

Jonathan looked over to Evan who instantly looked back to him. Evan gave a wink and Jonathan returned it with a sad smile before leaning back onto Tyler's arm.

It was a new start for all of them, but they could tell it was a good one.

Author's Note: The end to this got really choppy, and I hate it, but I really do hope you liked it. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day! C:

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