Number 3

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Number 3: Fucking Twelvies

I have to say this, I'm so lucky that when i turned 13 they started "twelvie" so i missed it *phew*, but i was on Urban Dictionary one day and i was looking up random things because i was bored and i looked up "twelvie" and it said "children that are extremely annoying and think they are up themselves, twelvies are ages 10-14 years old", okay it didn't say that but i was close, anyways, i was sad that im 20 fucking days away from not being classed as a "twelvie". I was pissed afterwards.

Anyways, back to actual twelve year olds being fucked up in the head.

I hate twelvies. Do I need to explain. I'm going to explain, they think they are so cool and they are up themselves and they don't give a fuck if they get in trouble and all that shit, truth is, no one gives a fuck about them! They are so annoying at school, like if i could kill every fucking twelvie i would, thats how annoying the are.

At my fucked up school the first year of high school is Year 7 (if you haven't guess already, I'm from Australia) and every one of them in that year thinks they are "the shit" when really they are nothing and they have to work back up to year 12. And year 7 is so annoying like every second word out of every single twelvies mouth is "fuck" or "fucking" and i'm like "calm yo dick on the swearing, stupid twelvies!!" This is what i heard one day like literally heard this:

"OMG you fucking bitch!! I fucking hate you!! Go fuck a dick and fucking die!!"

Me: "what... the... fuck... did... i... just... hear..." it pissed me off majorly.

Another thing that happened 2 months ago, i was walking to the bus bay at school and i was walking alone and there were two twelvies behind me talking and i wasn't paying attention to their conversation until one of them said this: "Oi cuz, i jizzed in ya sister!!" I literally died from laughter, it was so fucked up and the next day i found out he wasn't joking and actual said to his friend that he had sex with his friends' sister and he didn't pull out on time and when i heard this, i froze, i didn't move for 5 minutes straight, i was so shocked and felt bad afterwards because i laughed but realised that people younger than me are getting some and having sex and im here like "i like food, high five for food." That makes me pissed off at twelvies too.

They are just so fucking annoying and i wish no one invented the word "twelvie", it would've made everyone's life better, literally!

Im also saying this now, i'm still a virgin and in this generation, i'm really proud of that and if anyone has a problem with that, go fuck yourself! I don't care what people think about that, it's my choice when i lose it, not anyone else's. I'm sorry, i had to say that, vote if you're the same as me. (I'm not going to say "vote if your blahblahblah" this is the first, middle and last time that will ever happen)

Date: 28/8/13

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