Number 4

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Number 4: People who can spell a word but not the right word!

For those of you who cant understand the title i'll give you an example.

Sentence: "i love two right books"

Notice "two" and "right" are supposed to be "to" and "write", thats what I'm talking about today. They have the word right but it's a different form of the word.

It's really annoying when people do it, it's like "why the fuck can you spell but not spell all at the same time!" It's fucked up... majorly. Most of my friends make this mistake... often! I have to keep correcting them, one of my friends yesterday was trying to spell "asshole" (don't ask, long story) and auto correct changed it to something else, cant remember, and she did this:


Me: holes*

Her: "yea that"

Me: *facepalm*

Here are some of the words they spell right but wrong:

Holes = wholes

There = they're = their

Right = write

Two = to = too

Here = hear

And the most common one,

Your = you're

There's more but i'm not going to listed them all.

Off topic slightly, people who say "r" , "u" , "gr8" , "y" , "yolo" and "swag" need a dictionary thrown at their head... multiple times... and the dictionary has spikes on it.... One of my ex boyfriends (we are kinda friends now) texts like that and i asked him why he does it and he said "because that's what all the cool kids say." I almost climbed over my table and punch him in the face... with my special dictionary! I started saying "stop texting like a twelvie!!", and my best friend said "yea twelvie talk is the worst, especially when you're 14." His face was priceless, i don't know why though.

Back to topic, is it possible to buy everyone a dictionary for Christmas??? If so, guess how many dictionaries i would be buying!!

I'm sick of correcting people for something they should've learned in Year 2 (or grade 2, depends where you are). It's really sad that people in our days can't spell correctly... wait, why am i surprised, this generation is fucked up! People don't pay attention to their teachers anymore, (okay i will admit, i never listened to my Year 8 English teacher but it was funny to piss her off all the time, i passed English that year so i was all good, till i got to Year 9 English, i hate my teacher). What was i talking about..., oh that's right, people not listening, teenagers should just shut the fuck up and do what you're told and learn the fucking work so you can at least know the difference between "your" and "you're".

So if anyone spells something right but it's the wrong spelling of that word, slap them, slap them hard and say "woman, learn the fucking difference".

Date: 30/8/13

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