Once Upon a Time...

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Eya's POV

... in 1229, the city of Redmond...

I was not like a normal girl. I did not wear corsets, put my hair up twelve inches to make myself look a foot taller, or carry myself like a lady. I carried myself like a fighter, which was my identity. If I ever was a real gentleman's daughter, that information was kept very well from me.

If you had seen me walking down your street, you might not have seen anything but for a black cloak and a hidden face under a hood. I was never much to look at. Only one person truly thought I was beautiful in my lifetime, but he is now gone. I won't tell you much about him, except that I did once love him.

I only know two things about my heritage: 1. I was the Arowan, the assassin-trained protector of the king and his family bloodline. 2. My father was a general in the king's army, my mother an unknown maid from another land. I knew nothing else, but it didn't bother me. I accepted who I was as agilely as Aven, my brother, did. He never gave an inch of evidence that he was uncomfortable with his post. I wanted to be just like him.

I always felt like I had a worse deal than him. He only had to keep the prince alive. I had to keep a kingdom adrift with my own talents and a pair of dual hand-knives.

And sadly, I had to keep myself from falling in love.

It was not easy.

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