B l a n k

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I write your name, gently, in the sodden sand

Cursive with embellishments, overall, something elegant and quite grand

Only to have the sea wrench it away

The waves tugging at my ankles forcing me to wobble and sway

Leaving me the emptiness of the sand and a gift of a shell

And as I came to a realization, through the darkness of the sea I fell

That you had jumped from that rocky cliff and left me alone

My final memory of you being constructed of blood and bone

When there was so much left to do, left to see

But you cut our list short when you left me.


// in which a girl lets gives herself to the sea, just as her {b l a n k} had given their self to gravity //


// triple update in preparation for a busy weekend. next update should be coming monday, 4.8.16! //

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