bleeding flames

20 3 0

I've seen fire; I've seen rain

Yet I don't know if I have ever felt this much pain

A thousand arrows and a million scars

I still don't know how you led me this far

With a shower of cold—my head's in denial

Yet there isn't much time as I'm walking down this aisle.

My father to my right, linked arm in arm

Doesn't know your touches evolved from love to harm

No number of layers of makeup on my skin

Can ever possibly cover the hurt within.

I guess the days have past

No more pages to my perfect fairytale

I'm not quite sure how I expected it to last

Or if I would have been happier knowing it'd fail.

My escaping tears tell me I can still flee

Run away in search of a side quest

But imagining how my expecting family will ever look at me

Makes me ignore the aching in my chest.  

  • • •  

hi i seem to have lost my ability to write poetry and my self confidence have you seen it

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