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It was as if he were dangling off the ledge of a cliff,

The vast space between him and everyone else, a bottomless abyss, an endless rift  

Helpless, vulnerable, terrified

The numerous monsters in his head unidentified

Scared to smile; scared to fall

Honestly, no one was quite sure if he was there at all.

He was betwixt the worlds

One of which where his darkness unfurled

And the other of which none of no one's words ever made it his eardrums to hear

As he was too uncompromising to let anyone near

Too afraid to accidentally hurt anyone, he really rather crawl

Which in the end was his downfall.

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Yes, it was as if he were dangling off of a cliff,

But he was tired of possibility; there were too many 'what ifs'

Helpless, vulnerable, terrified

Too many times he had sat with his monsters at his bedside

Scared to smile; scared to fall

And all of a sudden, he wasn't there at all.

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