Caleb??! Caleb babe where are you?!

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Every second felt like hours. I told Emily to drive faster. Emily obviously rode as fast as she could, but it wasn't fast enough for me. Toby tried to calm me down. "It's okay Han, he'll be fine" he said, while he knew Caleb was in life danger right now. This night had been a complete disaster.
Emily parked the car at the hospital. I jumped out and ran trough the doors of the hospital.
"Good evening, can I help you?" A nurse said really calm.
"Caleb, I need to see Caleb!" I yelled, crying.
Everyone was looking at me.
The nurse walked over to her computer. Way to slowly in my eyes. I ran into the hallways.
"Caleb??! Caleb babe where are you?!" I cried.
A few people stopped me from running.
"Calm down, miss" a doctor said.
They put me down on a couch in the waitingroom of the intensive care.
Emily and Toby finally found me. I saw Emily crying and Toby had tears burning in his eyes.
A nurse pushed a cup of water and a piece of chocolate in my hand. I threw the chocolate away. Emily took the water out of my hand before I could throw that away too. I buried my face in my hands.
I saw Spencer coming over to us. I didn't know if I had to be glad she was here or not. She wasn't crying. She looked shocked, very pale. She looked like she could break down every second. She sat down next to me. I am not dating Caleb at the moment. Spencer is. A lot went trough my mind . Today was a weird day. A lot happened. Before I even had everything figured out, this terrible thing happened to Caleb. I wasn't even there. He had been shot in his chest. I don't know who did it. I got a call at 10:50 pm. The accident had happened 10 minutes earlier. "Han?..Han?" I hear Emily say miles away from my thoughts. A doctor is standing next to her.
"He has an update for us." Emily said.
"Yes you're all related to Caleb Rivers, am I right?"
"Yes" Toby confirmed.
"Okay, so i'm going to update you guys untill Caleb is all better. Caleb is currently in surgery. He's still in danger for his life. The doctors did find a way to help him so we can be a little optimistic. The surgery will definitely take a few more hours. You can all stay here in the waitingroom if you want. Make yourself comfortable. The cafeteria is into the left hallway and the toilets are over there."
"Okay thanks man" toby said.
Make myself comfortable? I couldn't even breathe properly.

Goodbye CalebWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu