20 Mark

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I pulled his body to the toilet, and stuck two fingers down his throat. I pulled them out, and his body convulsed as he threw up the pills. I did it twice more, and held him close for a moment.

Picking him up, I carried him to my bed, and grabbed the laptop to look up how to save him.

He stirred in his drugged sleep, and I brushed the hair off his sweating forehead. "Stay with me baby. It'll be okay. Stay with me. I love you."

Lean victim on their side, so choking does not occur. If you have not already made them vomit, do so as soon as possible. Keep them hydrated. An: I don't know if this shit is accurate. I'm just spouting random crap that has some semblance of sense. If they wake, keep them awake and talking.

Okay. All I could do for now was wait and hope that he would come back to me.

"Yami... if you can hear me, know that I'm scared. More scared than at school. Because I'm not scared of you, I'm scared of losing you. Please come back."

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