How to turn a good girl bad- by LikkleAngel

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How to turn a good girl bad is an amazing story. It has a good girl, Hailey, and a bad boy, Daniel. But I assure you, its not one of those completely annoying cliche stories. This story had made me laugh multiple times, and it made my cry on the last chapters.

Hailey is an awesome girl who is not the good girl she seems like, and Blake is the cutest badboy there is.

The story has a PERFECT ending and is really enjoyable. I loved it so much, I read it at least 3 times.

So if you need an amazing story to read, I highly recommend it

Description (belongs to @LikkleAngel):

"Hailey is a good girl. She gets good grades, she never argues, and even she knows she's a pushover. Her sister Rebecca is the popular head cheerleader and every schools 'queen bee' it's hard to tell they're even related. Moving from place to place has become their life. When they start another new school Hailey doesn't think this will be any different.

Daniel is the Bad boy. He doesnt care what people think. He plays with heart string as if they were the strings on a guitar and he never listens to anyone. When he meets Hailey no one would expect anything to happen. They're two opposites, they shouldn't even talk, but Hailey's good girl days are reaching their end. She's tired of being told what to do and following everyone's orders. When Daniel becomes a part in her life it might just be enought to turn a good girl bad... "

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