Chap 3 nice picture i have there huh

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Back at it with the white vans...Back to the story


Slenderman was talking with his brothers to get his daughter someone was listening..


some of the creepypastas Jeff, and Ben were listening to the conversation(oh are they lucky slendy didn't catch them)...Me I was downstairs sleepy and almost fell out the chair so I went upstairs to my room I was to sleepy to notice the boys but since i saw them anyways I told them to move..and they did..They also tried to tell me about you, but oh was I sleepy so I was like yh and oh k, then they realize I that I wasn't listening and was starting to fall sleep on them..(heheh)

Back to you:
You were home doing usually stuff homework , took a shower, and feed you and your siblings. Duhuhuh...your step- father has arrived...your step-siblings run to there room and locks it..but before you can do anything he's already in front of and you were scared...he was drunk, he look liked he had a hungover and man was he stink!

...Warning sexual things happened...
Im gonna skip this part alright..

~*Timeskip brought to you by me and Kai was here*~

You were crying and cutting again, while then your uncles was on the way so at that same time you showered then went straight to bed. Your uncles arrived and teleported to your room so Splendy picked you up bridal style and teleported back with the rest of your uncles to Slender and he looked at you and realized what happen..he also read your mind and found out that you were having a nightmare about what your step -father did and he got extremely angry and being slendy himself, his tentacles were shotting out his back. Splendy and the other two stepped back and said they were going to carry you into your room it was right inside slenders office(his office us huge bdw) and Slender said he had to go on somewhere...

Ok guys that's enough for tonight, oh will your stepfather get the most horrible thing ever,..Hahah😂😅....Goodnight and chow👌✌

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