Love Lasts....

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****SILVER'S P.O.V****

I have had this nauseous feeling for months now and it hasn't gotten any better, I've been throwing up in the mornings and I just can't even deal with the fact that I'm having stomach pains and I'm eating constantly and getting fatter... I hate it, I decided to go and get a pregnancy test about a 6 months ago. It said I was positive.... I was very happy and so was Luke but it's been a little hectic around the apartment lately. It hasn't been very clean, so I decided that I'd get up and clean the apartment today and have a talk with Luke once he comes home from his business in Nevada. I miss him, it's been about 2 months he's been away and I needed him back now.

After I cleaned up the apartment I sat in the couch with the money bank infront of me. I opened the case and started counting, we had around 300,000 thousand dollars saved up. I thought that if we used at least 160,000 to buy a house that we could use the rest for furniture and bills and food for the house. That's exactly what we needed and what I wanted to do. Luke said he'd be off the plane by 2 in the morning, and he'd just take a taxi. So that once I would wake up that me and him would just buy land and have a house built. So I decided to lay down and rest.

Hours later, I was woken by the alarm clock. I looked over and frowned, it was 10:18am and that means I have to get up. I rolled myself out of bed and took down my pony tail, letting my now silver hair flowing around my mid waist. I smiled and walked into the bathroom and turned the faucet on, grabbed my toothbrush and smelled the air. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted my nose and I was then greeted with hands on my hips. I smiled at Luke in the mirror and brushed my teeth. He backed up once I was finished and I grabbed the hair brush and quickly brushed my hair up into a ponytail.

I made my way over to the closet and grabbed a nice pair of flats along with a red darkened dress. Slid the combination on and made my way into the kitchen. The smell was satisfying, I sat down at the bar and smiled. Luke turned around with a plate full of eggs and bacon, along with a glass of orange juice. I sipped the orange juice along while scarfing down the eggs and bacon. Luke watched me with a shocked expression. After minutes of me gulping down my orange juice and eating the eggs and bacon. I was finished and ready to get up and go searching for big enough land. I needed enough land for the Kau Shadow Pack.

I walked to the front door and turned around motioning for Luke to come on. He smiled a genuine smile and walked around the bar making his way over to me. I opened the door and began to make my way down the steps and to the car. He locked the door behind him and followed closely behind me. I could feel his Aurora, it was strong. We still haven't mated.. But soon we would, the mates pull hasn't been around us lately because all of the business trips he's had lately. But as soon as we got the house built we could get ourselves settled in and try...

Once we got into the car and started driving the song Break Your Heart~ By Ludacris came on and I started to sing along and do a little dance in my seat. My wolf humming along and once the rap came on my eyes turned pitch black and my wolf started singing to the rap. I was also in shock as so was Luke, once I was able to come back I started to laugh and me and Luke laughed together. I missed him while he was away on his stupid business trip. But pack business is pack business..

Minutes later we had made our way up to a chrome plated gate. A man was standing there in a small security box. He buzzed the gate and it slowly rolled to the side. I smiled and watched the pretty land and forest that we were passing. We met a male werewolf waiting up along the edge of the forest on the north side of the property. He said the amount he wanted for the land was 120,000. So we paid right then, smiled and off we went back to the small cozy apartment. Imbue we arrived back home I started online shopping for some furnishings for the house being built. Luke, planned all of the house building. He told me it would be finished within a few months and that we wouldn't have to worry about living here any longer. I wasn't the Luna of the Kau Shadow Pack yet, but soon I'd be.......






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