Searching For Pack-Mates

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I rolled myself over and blinked my eyes, gazing upon a sleepy Luke. I half smiled and sat myself up in bed, looked around the room and yawned. I stood up and made my way over to the closet, searching threw my drawer filled with pants. I decided on a pair of boot cut jeans, with a salmon colored tee. Making my way into the bathroom, I heard a groan and shuffling coming from Luke. I stretched and started the shower, making sure it was a soothing warm. I stepped into the shower and began to wash out my hair the smell of peaches and plums escaping the shower curtain and filling the bathroom with the scent. I washed down my body and turned around then shut the water off. I twisted my hair and then ringed it out, stepped out of the tub and wrapped up in a towel. After drying off I slid on my undergarments and the clothes I had picked out. I then walked back into the room and out to the kitchen to make some bacon and toast. As I opened the crisper drawer I heard Luke get into the shower. I smiled at the thought of him. As soon as I started the bacon and popped the bread into the toaster Luke had just finished his shower. I turned around and stood on my tippy toes to reach into the cabinet, to grab us some plates. Not to long after I had sat down to eat, Luke came out and joined me. I shuffled around and started to finish my food, I washed my plate. And went to the bathroom. Brushed my hair up into a ponytail and washed my face off. Looked at myself in the mirror and yawned. Today is gonna be a long and stressful day. There's naturally not that many rouges, well not that many nice ones now an days.

      ^^^HOURS LATER^^^

We had some success in finding pack mates and some success in finding danger. But over all we had the house finally built and furnished. So we loaded up and headed back to the pack house. Luke looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and yawned, laid my head back on the seat and passed out. A few minutes later I was awaken by Luke and we were at the pack house. I crawled into is arms and he carried me sweetly to the bedroom. He laid me down and  covered me up. I yawned and snuggled into the blanket. Finally silence crept throughout the room and I drifted off into a deep sleep.


Remember tooooo!!!





Peace out!
~Sabrina Sargent

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