Yuki is darude

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I walk into Sam, Grian, and Taurtis's house."What a mess..."I mumble to no person in particular. "What was that?! Do you know HOW HARD IT IS TO RAISE A BABY OBSESSED WITH SHARP OBJECTS?!?!?!" Grian and Taurtis yell at the same time. "Jeez, I didn't mean to tick you off. Sorry..." They really get mad easily." OH GOD I FORGOT ABOUT SCHOOL!!!!"I scream and run out and race to the school.


I guess she forgot she was actually walking to school. I really hate her. She was only dating Sam because the yakuza were threatening him and us. She just pushed his insanity phase. I look over at Grian and see him staring into space. "Ahhhh.... Grian?" I say in front of him. He still looked into space. Hmmmm. I start shaking him. "AHHH! TAURTIS WHAT THE HECK!?"" Sorry dude, you were spacing out. You OK?"" Yeah, i think so..."


I can't stop thinking about Sam and the antidote. What if Ellen never has the time to make it? What will we do about Sam? What are his parents gunna think?!How are we going to educate him? We don't know how to raise a child. I'VE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE! I glance at Taurtis and see him looking at me like Im crazy. "Did I say that out loud?"" Yup"Taurtis replies very slowly. "Sorry...I don't mean to worry so much..."" Ahh it's OK Grian."Taurtis says reassuringly. Uhhhgg I don't want to worry but all of the things tha-!""GO AWAY"I hear Taurtis scream at a black figure looking in our window. 

AN:OK SO ITS LIKE ELEVEN OCLOCK AT NIGHT AND I HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY. I SOWWWY ! I hope you guys liked this chapter. BTW I'm horrible at typing on a phone\tablet because I don't have a keyboard. Uhhhgggggghhggggggggggghgg

Well then, cya!

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