No regerts

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Ellen's POV:

Ok Time to do the thing. It's simple. WAIT NO IT'S NOT! Calm DOWN! UAAAHg... Get it together. *Knock Knock* "One second!" I hear Taurtis say. After a while of waiting he answers the door. "Umm Hello Taurtis! I was wondering if I could see Grian? Ya know. To wish him a Happy Birthday?"I ask. "Of course!"he says ecstatically. He sure seems excited today. "Right this way."he says and leads me up to Grian's room. "Go on in."he says and walks back down to the living room. Ok. I open the door. "H-Hey Gria-*blushes madly* OH MY GORD I'M SO SORRY!"I yell and cover my eyes.

Grian's POV:

I hear someone come in my room. "H-Hey Gria-"I hear someone say. THAT'S NOT TAURTIS! I just got out of the shower and I only had a towel around my waist! "AHHHG!"I yell and run into the closet. I quickly pull on a red shirt and some random shorts on the ground. "S-s-sorry!"Ellen says from the other side of the door. I walk out and see her blushing like mad. "I should have knocked or something."she says guiltily. "It's ok."I say and sigh. "Umm HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"she yells and hands me a poorly wrapped box? "You didn't have to get me anything."I say. "N-no I wanted to."she says. I open the box and see a container of tea and bread? "Thanks!"I say. "I wanted to get you something else too but I couldn't think of anything. "This is enough."I say.

Ellen's POV:

WAIT! I know what else. I look at his eyes for a while and lean in for a k i s s.

SO HOW WAS THAT?! HMMMM? I DID IT!! HAHAHA TAKE THAT MOM! Ahem. So tell me what you think in the comments. It really is awesome reading those! Well then. BAI

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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