Chapter 12- Making it up

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Vixx Chat Chapter 12

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Vixx Chat Chapter 12

-Vixx has logged on-

Bean: Glad that's over with

N: I'm not talking to him though!!

Bean: Come on hyung!

Leo: ...

Hyuk: And we got our usernames back... sorta

Ravi: Ahh well change was fun while it lasted

Bean: N hyung, Leo was just trying to do the right thing!

N: Right thing??

-Leo has logged off-

N: Guys I'm gonna go lay down or something...

Hyuk: Feel better~

Ravi: Don't fight

-N has logged off-

Bean: Aiish he's gone...

Hyuk: Aww is he sad that they fought yesterday? :(

Ken: I just heard N sniffle a little!!

Ravi: Oh wait... Leo is going into his room

Hyuk: I just realized they fight a lot... mostly N gets mad at what Leo says or does and then ignores him

Ken: Yeah... :(

Bean: I'm sure they'll make up some time

//In N's room:

Leo: Hakyeon-ah.. I'm really sorry I made you so upset...
N: I know... I overreacted.. and you do really like our real names...
Leo: No, I'm REALLY sorry.. I made you upset and I can't keep living in this unforgivable silence
N: Aww Leo.. Thanks..
Leo: *hugs him* Forgive me?
N: *hugs back* Always

//back to the chatroom//

-N has logged on-

-Leo has logged on-

Ravi: Soooo is Neo real again?

N: Yes Ravi... *laughs*

Leo: Thank you N, for forgiving me...

Bean: Awwww... you two made up!!

Hyuk: So cute... #scute

Ken: I'm so happy it's over! Now me and Ravi can continue reading~

Ravi: .. yes...

-Ravi has logged off-

-Ken has logged off-

N: Alright kids. Time for bed! We have a schedule tomorrow aaand we have to prepare for a special special surprise

Leo: I'm making the cake

N: Yep! Kenjumma's birthday is coming up!

-N has logged off-

Leo: Wait for me Hakyeon~~

-Leo has logged off-

Bean: Come on Hyuk, let's go to bed

Bean: Gotta wake up early tomorrow!

Hyuk: But I'm not tired Bin Hyung...

Bean: You just yawned... before and after you said that..

Hyuk: Arreseo.. ><

-Hyuk has logged off-

Bean: Good maknae.

-Bean has logged off-

Author Note:
Hey guys!! It's Rachel. Sorry I didn't post this...BEFORE Ken's actual birthday. lol I got busy (My bday was on the 5th >w<) Happy Birthday Ken!! You adorable little nut XD

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