Chapter 37- Sick Hyung

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Vixx Chat Chapter 37

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Leo: Where's Hakyeon?


Leo: You feeling okay?

N: Yeah just a bit

N: *cough*

N: Sick

Bean: Aww Hyung

Hyuk: So that's where all the coughing and sneezing has been coming from

N: Sorry guys..

N: It must be annoying

Ken: Nah

Ken: Only a lot

Ravi: KEN

Ken: What! I didn't say it was just annoying. I said it was REALLY annoying.

Ken: Problem? Take it up with the complaints department

Ravi: Don't hold up a trash can and then give me a face.. -_-

Leo: Hakyeon.. I didn't know you were sick

Leo: I've been so busy with schedules and.. Hana Kaze.. And I'm so sorry

N: Tsk Leo it's fine. I know you're busy

N: I'll be okay. I have this picture of you as my wallpaper to keep me company

Leo: You..

Leo: I'll be home in 5 minutes

N: Wait Leo you don't have-

-Leo has logged off-

N: --to..

N: Awe my kitten is coming to care for me

Hyuk: Nah he's probably just coming because he forgot something

Bean: Hyuk sweetie don't ruin this for Hyung

Hyuk: Sorry Artwork

Bean: -w-

Ken: Oh! The ice cream truck!!


-Hyuk has logged off-

-Ken has logged off-

Ravi: Those dorks..

Ravi: Yah Hyung how did you get sick anyway?

N: I don't know actually..

Bean: You've been staying up late the past few days actually..

N: No not at all

Ravi: You're light has been on

Ravi: I even peeked in to see you struggling to fall asleep

N: Why were you looking!

Ravi: Leo Hyung said when he can't be there for you, he wants me to check to make sure you're okay

Ravi: But your sleep seems to be lacking

N: Well.. Between you, me and Hongbin.. yes I'm finding it hard to sleep

N: I just have a lot on my mind, this new Japanese single and our schedules are always filled...

N: I.. I just wish we could play like we did before

Bean: Wow I guess this is the point of the chat

Ravi: How do you find that

Bean: Talk about real stuff.

Ravi: Ahh yes

Bean: Yah Hyung. Get better sleep. For Leo and for us.

Ravi: Yeah! Hey tomorrow, leave all the work for me

Ravi: I'll even do the shopping, get you new moisturizer and banana milk

N:'ll do that? For me??

Ravi: Course :) You're our strong leader

N: Aww thanks guys. What would I do without you

Bean: Nothing. We're the glue that holds this crazy group together

N: Haha yeah

N: Ah Leo is here, I'll see you guys tomorrow

N: Thank you

Ravi: Tsk no problem Hyung. Sleep now!

Bean: Yeah no playing Hokey Pokey with Leo


-N has logged off-

Ravi: Tssk.. Oh my gosh

-Ravi has logged off-

Bean: ... Welp...

Bean: AH!! Hyuk! Don't smash Ice Cream into my face!!

Bean: Chatroom help!!

Bean: Ahh no my phone~

-Bean has logged off-

Author's Note:
Ahh it's good to be back
I'm getting over a fever, and can finally start writing. Thank you patient readers, for wishing me luck on finals and waiting these long dragging weeks. XD Truly awesome.

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