Chapter 43- Love Lalala

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-Ken has logged on-

-Ravi has logged on-

Ken: Hmph.

Ravi: Babe why won't you talk to me?

Ravi: Are you pulling a Leo?

Ken: No!

Ken: What's with the pet names??

Ravi: You called me Ravioli AND Babybunches like 20 minutes ago

Ken: That wasn't me

Ken: You're imagining things

Ravi: Am not!

Ken: Tsk well whatever.

Ken: Our band mates are getting married and you haven't done anything lovey dovey!

Ravi: Your memory.. Is... Truly amazing Jaehwan

Ken: What do you mean

Ravi: I was the one that asked you out, took you to dinner, and kissed you for the first time.

Ken: ...

Ravi: Were you drunk when that happened?

Ken: ...

Ravi: Are you crying?

Ken: *sniffle* NO!

Ravi: Come here Jaehwan

Ravi: We can go out shopping, I'll buy you something

Ken: will?

Ravi: Yeah I'll get you that sweet you like

Ravi: Even though you're already really sweet

Ken: Tsk.. Wonshik-ah..

Ken: Alright Alright

Ravi: I love you Jaehwan

Ken: I love you too Wonshik


Ravi: <3

Ken: <3

-Ken has logged off-

Ravi: ....I hope he likes silver...

-Ravi has logged off-

Author's Note:
True Story, I wrote this while at work on break XD
Ravken <3

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