Physically Hurt

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The final bell rang and school was over.
She gathered her books and opened the door.
She walked out of school, faking her smile.
She always pretended to smile so that,
no one would question why she was "sad".

She saw him, texting as he was walking across the street then and a truck came speeding and hits him.
There he was laying lifelessly on the ground.
She quickly ran over to him and stared at him.
She glanced over at he's phone and noticed,

June 15; 3:01 pm
I miss you, I'm sorry.

That text was gonna be sent to her.
She looked at him and whispered,
"I miss you too"

Soon the ambulance came and everyone was crowded.
All of his friends worried as ever.
And he was escorted to the hospital.

12:00 am; midnight.Where stories live. Discover now