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2 hours later, and he came out of surgery.
The doctor said that he would only have a few hours left until death.
That was one of the most heart breaking moment.
He was gonna die, and there was nothing she could about this.

All his friends entered his room, smiling
bringing bouquets, stuff animals.
He smiled back of course faking it,
cause well he knew that he was gonna die.

He wanted everyone to leave the room,
as he had his last moments alone.
She walked in and he smiled.
For reals this time, he was happy to see her.

She walk up to him and ask "you okay?"
He replied, "now I am okay"

She stared into his eyes and she hope.
She saw the pain and suffering he was going through.
He asked her to stay with him for his last hours.
and so she did.
but moments later she fell asleep and it was currently 3:48am.

He was still awake and so he's friend walked in.
He told his friend to grab a blanket for her.
All he wanted was to start over but that was kinda hard by then.

12:00 am; midnight.Where stories live. Discover now