Murdered Love

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All rights go to the Authors. No part of this book may be use without Author’s permissions. Copy right© 2011 Angela C. & Jailene V. We will take our rights (and so on)!

Prologue: Is it?

Alice’s P.O.V

  “Close your eyes. Count to ten. Take the bullet out again. Say my name, hit me hard. Put that gun right through my heart----Bang! ‘Cause love is suicide.”-

Love Is a Suicide by Natalia Kills

I remember sitting in Chemistry class when Mrs. Ford, our high school principle, came in. She was panicking, you can tell from her old wrinkly hands shaking. She whispered in Mr. Dumbly ear, his expression turned angry to full depression. He looked at me sadly, pointed his finger at me, telling me to leave the class with Mrs. Ford. I remembered how much I started to panic in my head.

 Oh my God, what did I do? Am I going to get a detention, a suspension?! Or worst, expelled?! I don’t remember doing anything wrong. Except accidently pushed Henry down the stairs! Am I going to get in trouble for that? I really didn’t mean to! Oh my God, I’m going to di-

“In here, Ms. Evergreen.” Mrs. Ford spoke, gesturing me to enter her office. I swallowed, already feeling I’m sweating buckets.

“Is there something wrong, Mrs. Ford?” I asked, wrapping my books, I carried with me, tighter.

 She ignored my question, telling me to sit down. And I did, still remembered how old that room felt. How eerie it was.

 “Ms. Evergreen,” she began folding her hands together, “How much trouble do you think you are in?”

 I swallowed again, “Umm . . . A lot?”

 She smiled weakly at me, and then put her hand over mine. “Don’t worry honey, you’re not in trouble.”

 A sign of relief came out.

“But there is bad news.”

 Scratch that sigh of relief.

 Those tears that appeared on Mrs. Ford face was pure sadness. A wave of confusion came down on me, “Is everything alright, Mrs. Ford?”

 She shook her head a no. “Honey, your parents . . . .” she pauses “They were killed.”

     And those words changed my life completely.


 And here I am now, retelling my story to the whole world. Please be prepared, not only for the drama but for the shocks, the disappointments and the . . . .

I let out a sigh, when I saw Alana standing at our doorway.

“Alice, come on girl. Help me pack.”

 I have been living with Alana Salven for almost three years now, she may be my best friend, but she’s like a sister to me. She took me in, when my other family didn’t dare.

   I got off my side of the bed and walked towards her, she passed me a box with the label books. I went to her shelf and started packing everything.

   Alana was way prettier than me. She had a perfect shade of brown hair, which came down as waves or curls. Her eyes were brown and blue mixed together, which was pretty cool.  She had a nice shade of skin color and natural pink lips. While I just had plain blonde wavy hair that passed over my shoulders and grey eyes. My skin was pretty pale and pinkish. And my lips were too pouted.  Pretty weird . . . . But ever since my parents were killed, I wouldn’t put any makeup on, leaving my face more pale than usual.

 I finished over three boxes while Alana was taping everyone one of them. Yep, we’re moving. I let out another sigh, remembering another moment of my life.

“As we stand this day, we give our peace to these beloved pair! God has decided to take them, take them to his kingdom! The kingdom of God, where Mr. and Mrs. Evergreen will be at a happy life forever together for eternity. For Ms. Alice Evergreen, she has some words for her lovely parents.” The preacher spoke, looking towards at me.

 I got off from my seat and walked up in front of everyone. Everyone I knew or my parents knew sat there, tears coming, people going, or just plain faces. I let out a shaky breath, trying to hold in the tears. I looked down at the paper I had in my hand and began to speak.

 “They left, leaving not only me alone, but everyone else’s side. They left, leaving a huge black hole in my small little heart. They left without saying goodbye, and it hurts so much I’ll tell you why,” tears began to fall, “My parents. They taught me so much stuff in such little time, yet I still don’t understand half of the world. But they did teach me how to care, how to love and how to experience things like this. They try teaching me the main things, yet I think they weren’t finish explaining things to me. Mom . . . . Mommy . . . .  If you can hear me, I am so sorry for being such a bad girl at times,” my voice started to break down, “I’m so so so sorry! Please forgive me. I’m sorry for lying, I’m sorry for hating, I’m sorry for yelling! Mommy if you can please hear me please come back. I regret all those things I did! I thank you all the things you done for me! When I was sick, you took care of me. When I had a bad accident, you were there. When I couldn’t understand my homework, you helped.  And daddy, don’t you think I forgot you.”

 “I will always remember those stories you read to me every night when I was little. I will always remember how you sang to me to sleep and how you help me calm down when lightning struck. I’m sorry for lying to you too, and never saying hi when I got home from school or saying where I was going to go with my group of friends. I regret all the things I did to you two. I do, and I’m so sorry.”

 “God, if you’re listening to me, as well. Why did you take them away? When I’m barely a fourteen year old girl? I still a lot of learning to do, but now they’re gone. Forever; but they’ll stay in my hearts. If there was any way, I would like to take their spot in heaven.”

 It wasn’t my best speech ever, but I literally started sobbing. Alana ran to my side, hugging me and telling me to calm down. But I couldn’t . . . How could I’ve been calm if two people I loved dearly died? 

 Alana probably noticed the tears that fell from my eyes, because she started hugging me again.

 “Oh Alice, everything is going to be okay. You’re seventeen now, you should be able to handle this. I know you can.”

“You know what’s funny, Alana?” I said chuckling in my tears.

“What?” She looked down at me.

“I’m older than you, yet you’re taller than me.”

 She started to chuckle too, nodding her head, “Yeah that is pretty funny.”


Hello :D Yesh, it’s my third story with AngieVD1866 xD Haha, we keep getting ideas and ideas and ideas xD We can’t stop! :D

 Oh, God o.o That sounded wrong >.<

Anywho, I think this is the most  . . . .SOMETHING . . . . thingy I wrote . . . Ever .

I Hope you really liked our story so far :] Please comment, vote and fan for both :D Pllleeasssee.  Since I wrote Prologue, AngieVD1866 will write the first chapter x] Just an FYI :D

 Song of the Chapter: “Breathe/ Until Tomorrow” by Paramore! <33

P.S: I find the ending so cheesy o.o I don’t do cheesy, I think it’s . . .Weird 0.o To me the ending sounds so cheesy xDD >.< Idk why :DDD:

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