Tom And Jerry. . .Cookie and Charlie, Huh. . .

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Alana's P.O.V

After a very boring ride going to Frank-Note Woods, we stood in front of the new house, just staring at it. It was bigger than our other house, so I liked that. I could just tell by my mom's face that she had a year's worth of ideas for the whole front yard alone.

I have vague memories of this place. We left when I was 3. 

It looked like it had just been through a drought, then trampled by a herd of cows. The grass was just plain dead. I knew my Dad would fix that within this week. He likes everything to look perfect. 

After unloading all our stuff, Mom tells me and Alice about the best room in the house. She motions for us to race and we agree.

"Ready. Set. Go!" After a while, Alice gets to the room. She was already halfway there and I knew I had no chance so, instead I just walked around the whole lower level of the house.

It was actually really surprising. I expected the interior of the house to resemble the outside, which in my mind looked like a barbie house, but the inside was much different. The house had high ceilings.

I went through the kitchen, the living room and some doors. The kitchen had shiny olive-green marble counters and cherry cabinets, which gave off a really homey feeling. There were bar stools surrounding half the counter which I loved. I really love sitting in those chairs where your feet don't touch the ground. 

The living room contained these leather couches that --- well, you can just jump in them, fall asleep instantly, and sink your way to Wonderland. . .

I hesitated to sit in them for a while then decided I wouldn't since I didn't want to wake up to Tweedle-Dumb and Tweedle-Dee. . . 

I explored a lot more rooms, then I went upstairs to Alice's new room. I knock and I see her standing by the window with this really weird lock that had a possibility to be from a Harry Potter movie. I sigh and say "No fair! You got the pretty room!" She just chuckles. 

I walk towards the window and I see the astonishing view from her window. We had a pond in our backyard! And about a block away, it was all forest. I crinkle my nose and smell fish. I tell her and her unpredictable self takes over. She had said that if she had a cat, he'd love the smell of fish everyday. I stay quiet for a while, having a flashback of how Mom gutted a fish. I come back to reality with an appalled face. I quickly get the air freshener. But it had no affect. 

"I told you!" Alice mocks. I sigh and stand in the hallway instead. "Much better" I say smiling. 

We go to the room next to Alice's, which is obviously mine. I look inside and I liked it.  The window was the same position as Alice's, but her room was a little bigger. I had an equally confusing lock as Alice for the window. I unlocked it and looked outside.

Same view, animals, pond -- Ohh!!!!! Some of the roof cascades to the right of my window. I can climb up there whenever I want! 

"I love this room! I can just sit on the roof!" I say with a vacant smile, daydreaming of just sitting in the roof, then a bird poops by me. I sigh, that runined my day-dream. Alice teases "Just don't die while your up there!"

I sit on the roof and I tell Alice to come. Now, we are both staring at the whole land. And we curiously gaze at the forest. Then I feel my back and my shoulders stiffen, but not enough to make me stand still. . .the sensation of someone staring at me. I barely get that feeling, but Alice gets it a lot and mostly ignores it. It feels really strange getting that feeling. 

For the next 3 days, we unpacked. The 6-chaired dining table was in place, the kitchen was in order and everything was dusted and cleaned. It was finally home!

We went to school on Monday. James P. Lockwood High School.  It is our junior year. "I hope we have the same schedule, or at least one class." I say.

I sigh, we're the new kids this year, we don't know anyone except each other. The fact of knowing just one person reassures me.

Well, it turns out we didn't have the same schedule. We only had  three classes together, biology, math and world history. It was okay though, I met a lot of new people and same with Alice. 

When we got home, my parents told us something. "Alice!" mom says. "We have something for you. Go to your room and see." she say with a soft smile. Alice hesitantly goes to her room.

For me, they have no mercy whatsoever. They push out into the porch and lock the door. Then, as I turn around, a giant silver-white husky with blue eyes attacks me to the ground. 

Then, I hear Alice squeal so loud, the husky stopped attacking me with licks and ran away towards the forest. I run after it without hesitating.

To make it stop, I yelled out random names hoping I yell out its true name. 

"Bob! Charlie! Rex!" I yell out to it. Then I think twice if it was a girl or a boy. Oh well, "Cherry! Banana! Apple! "

What? His or her's name can be a fruit! 

It stops for no apparant reason, but it stares at the forest.

Weird. . .

I get that feeling of being stared at again. . .my shoulders stiffen. And I run back to the house with my love. (the husky ♥ ) I've wanted a husky for a really long time, mostly their color and the ones with gorgeous blue eyes. 

When I get to Alice's room, I see her under her bed with a little black cat. The cat was pure black with green eyes. I literally start laughing so hard. She was meowing at the cat, not caring if it knows what she's saying. The cat rubs up against her though. 

When she hears me standing there, she squeals and hugs me so tight that I can't breathe. She says "I HAVE A CAT!" in a really high-pitched voice, with her face scrunching up so much you can see her eyes as only chinky. 

I pick up this, I don't know, like 70 pound husky and show her. "Look! I found my love!!! A HUSKY! " I squeal, so happy. The husky just whines, wanting to be put back to the ground. 

My parents enter.

I say "Diane...a.k.a. Mom..." I say while eyeing my mom. Then I turn to my Dad. "Harry Potter....a.k.a. Dad..." Then I look at both of them. "Why the hell did you push me out onto the porch then lock me out?!" I say choking back a laugh. Then I hug them both! "I love you I love I love you!!!! Thank you!!" Alice does the same but actually on the floor. She is really happy. Group hug! 

Then Dad says "Oh, by the way Cookie over there hates Charlie, the cat!" 

At the same time, we all look to where the cat and the husky are. When we see Cookie, which i assume is my husky's name eyeing at the cat hungrily, Alice and I sprint towards the two. Too late, chaos starts. Charlie jumps to Alice's arms. And Cookie attacks the both of them. I grab Cookie and hold him back. 

Since that day when a Cookie almost ate Charlie. . .we never put them in the same room. 

Also, each day, I would go walk Cookie in the forest, it's actually calming in the forest.

I get the feeling of someone watching me often but I ignore it like Alice does. Farther in the forest, there's this giant meadow. Probably a whole acre of land. It was grassy and there are some huge patches of grass that I never go near. Also, next to that, there's a river that runs toward the east. I loved that place! Sometimes, Alice would come with me to walk Cookie, but she'd miss Charlie. . . 

"Uhhh, i'm hungry, i'm just going to go back to the house"

"Going to meow to Charlie again? " I say while giggling.

"None of your business!" She says with a huge smile on her face.

This place is just perfect. No drama. . .no problems. . .

Spoke too soon. . .

AngieVD1866 here!! I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment, fan, and vote! Love you!!!! xD Jk, idk:D But yea:D Love you all!! xD VampireGirl988 will be writing the next chapter:) 

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