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Everyone's had at least one bizarre, unexplainable morning, right? Well, my morning was exactly that . . . and now, I will try to push it to the back of my mind.

For some reason I was in this strange place that was sort of like a bell tower and a lighthouse combined. It was night and a spiraling staircase filled most of the dimmed space.

The stairs were metal and spiraling downwards. They were also eerily painted white. Also, after an ample amount of stairs, there would be a foyer, or landing, also dimly lit with a somber light source.

In each landing, or foyer, there would be a window. As I go down a great number of stairs, I finally reach the landing.

It was a circular window with no glass and outside was foggy and eerie. As if something or someone was ready to attack, yet ready to be calm. The sky was showing rays of sunlight but no birds or sounds were heard.

As I looked around more, I saw a mirror, showing a regular teenage girl with a grayish simple dress. She had no shoes, but her feet were toasty warm.

Surrounding her, were somewhat dried up shrubs and bushes that were not doing well on concealing a very interesting looking house.

Sometimes she glances back at the house then looks straight as if she's looking at me. Then for a short while she looks crazed. Then, her expression becomes calm again. Suddenly, her stance becomes aware and prepared. . .but, for what?

Suddenly, I see familiar features from that girl.

I was the girl in the mirror, the girl with the light brown waves coming down my back halfway. But the girl in the mirror, me, had no smile. No happiness, just small simple lips.

Suddenly, I was in the kitchen. I walk out to the patio.

It was still early morning. Probably around 5AM. I can slowly see the sun rising between some trees.

Then I run towards the woods. I wasn't exactly that comfortable there and I had no idea why I ran towards it. I didn't want to go there, but I have no idea how to control or change my dream.

At that moment, I didn't care about that, all I knew was that I had to get to that meadow, the one I often visit with Cookie on our walks.

I was almost sprinting towards that forest. Why am I this excited?

Suddenly, I wake up outside, about half-way between my house and the forest. . . My head was resting on Cookie. How'd I drag him into this?! He seemed happy though, staring off in random directions. I am still groggy, but I enjoyed the soft breeze coming in.

Suddenly, I remember my dream. I shiver from the next sharp breeze and the things that happened and most importantly, how I got here. . .

After a while, I was fully awake and I get up, confused on how I got here. I've never sleep-walked before. . .

I try to ignore how exactly I got here and run back to my house with Cookie. He follows me to my room. As I climb the stairs quietly, not wanting to wake anyone, I see a dark, shadowy figure by the wall on the top stairs.

I let out a small shriek, but I blink and it has already disappeared.

I was officially freaked out and for some reason, carrying Cookie and stuffing my face in his fur calmed me down. I didn't care how big and heavy this husky was. . .it calmed me down.

I ignore what I saw and the whole morning. And sadly, I have done a bad job on pushing this whole thing to the back of my mind. . .

The other part of my unexplainable morning was Dad choking on a strawberry! It was a terrible sight to see. Eventually, the strawberry was safely dislodged.

I also noticed that Alice had been whispering to herself, but not loud enough for me to hear, now that's strange. . .

Mom had broken the 3 minute awkward silence.

"Alice! Alana! You two should explore the whole place."

"Well, we've got nothing to do so, sure" says Alice hesitantly.

I nod and smile.

I would've done anything to tell all this to Alice. Walking around would be the perfect time to tell her all these weird things that are happening. Then again...the things happening could've just been my imagination.

Suddenly, I hesitate whether to tell Alice or not.

We decide to go Downtown. It was about 2 miles away from our house. We'd get there in about 30-40 minutes. An okay distance. 

We left the house at noon and I told Alice about my morning. She just looked very puzzled and sometimes she'd have a blank expression on her face that only lasted for a second or two.

When I was finished, she had asked the most unexpected question. . .

"What color was that mirror's border? " Alice said, almost whispering but her face was blank. Her voice seemed to be morphing into a voice I'd never heard before. I wasn't sure, her voice was really quiet.

There was a moment of silence. 

Finally, we get to Downtown. Small shops, placed really close next to each other were lining both sides of the street. This place seemed to be on a hill since it sloped down on the farther side of the street. 

We walked by each store and glanced at each item they were selling. While walking past this antique store, things began to go weird.

I look to the sky and see a plane going crazy. It did loops and many other tricks.

"One day we seriously have to go sky-diving. . ." I say to Alice. I look next to me and she's not there. Instead, there was this random old man looking at me with a confused and appalled expression. 

"But----Miss, I have no idea who you are. . ." he says. 

"No! No! I'm sorry, I was talking to someone else. " I say while moving my hands in a way saying I was mistaken. 

"But, there's no one else here" he says. Ugh! Where did you go?! 

I look into the stores that we have passed, seeing if Alice was in any one of them. Suddenly I see her exit the antique store with a mirror surrounded by this fancy gold frame. It looked familiar.

This is the problem with me. . .I know what it is and it's on the tip of my tongue but I just cannot say what exactly I'm thinking. . .

Why would Alice need that type of mirror? I had strange feeling from that mirror and my heartbeat went up. . . 

~Author's Note~

Sorry it took almost two weeks to complete this chapter! It was probably the best one I've written. The past ones I've written seemed....idk, ehhh:// Well, VampireGirl988 will write the next chapter :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2011 ⏰

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