Stage 1: Entrance

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The S.S. Aurora sailed through the calm water. The passengers on board were having a good time, either socialising in the buffet room or admiring the waves on the open deck. The only people downstairs were the various crewmembers performing their various duties. They had had to employ a great deal of temporary staff almost last minute due to the size of the ship. The captain's assistant was grumbling about the poor work rate of all of these temporary ship hands. "If they turn up at all, they're late and their work is sloppy!" moaned the captain's assistant. The other crewmembers simply chuckled and nodded at the ranting of their superior, but it was only a few of them who noticed that the captain's assistant's ranting was very accurate...

This cruise was a special event sponsored by the pokemon centre for new trainers. All of the trainers on board had recently started their journeys and were on this cruise to meet trainers like themselves. Some of the trainers on board included Matt who was eating at the buffet, Tobi who was looking at the sea, Natalie who was playing with her Snivy, Morgan who was walking around, Dan who appeared to be staring at the sky, and Emma who was busy reading a book. There were also a few senior trainers milling around supervising activities. The majority of trainers were partaking excitedly in these activities but it was the few who were not distracted by these that are the interesting ones. 

"Hey buddy!" Matt shouted to Tobi.  Tobi and Matt were old friends from Hoenn, and knew each other but Matt had started his journey a little earlier. Matt and Tobi were glad to meet with each other again, so the two of them moved off to find a battlefield. 

The day continued smoothly, with the events going as planned - until later on that day. Many of the crew members were missing and the Captain's assistant was still complaining. Unfortunately no-one noticed the temporary crew removing their uniforms to reveal their real uniforms. They belonged to the criminal organisation Team Rocket. After the fall of Team Rocket and the disappearance of their leader, Team Rocket fell into disrepair but eventually began to reform. Their plan this time was to infiltrate and take over a ship filled with trainers whose skill level was low. This would not only prove useful for training their recruits, but mainly as a publicity stunt, to demonstrate the power of the new Team Rocket. The Rocket grunts stormed the deck of the ship, quickly taking the panicking trainers hostage. A couple of trainers tried to fight back but where swarmed and outnumbered by the swarm of Rocket pokemon.

However, as the police force on land panicked and rushed around frantically, not all of the trainers on board were helpless.

"Move out of our way" three grunts ordered Dan. Dan looked at them un-amused, closing his book, reaching into his bag and replacing it with a pokeball. The grunts ordered their zubats to attack but Dan responded quickly. "Bulbasaur, vine whip please" ordered Dan, as his pokemon appeared. Despite the Zubat's speed, the green vines lashed around at an even greater speed, smashing the zubats into each other and the walls. The grunts were unsure of quite how to deal with the situation. Dan continued to walk down the corridor looking past the team rocket grunts as if they simply didn’t exist. Confused, one of the grunts moved to punch Dan, who, without looking, stepped out of the way allowing the grunt to overshoot and trip over. “Bulbasaur, sleep powder please,” said Dan. The remaining two grunts looked at Dan shocked, however he simply replied: “Well what do you expect? You’re in my way.” Dan couldn’t help but smile at the faces of the grunts as they hit the floor.

“GET LOST- I’M READING!” The grunts on deck were also facing an unexpected situation as Emma became enraged at the unwanted interruption to her book. One of the more aggressive grunts decided to fight back; “Shut up! Koffing- sludge!” Before Emma could even reach her pokeball, the sludge was sliced in half by a pairs of cutting leaves.  Morgan finished her drink before walking over to join her Chikorita: “Attacking a lady. You guys have no manners do you?” Emma smiled and turned back to the grunts, calling her Cyndaquil from its pokeball. “I’d better finish this up quickly; this book is way more interesting than you idiots”. Needless to say, the grunts did not walk away from this fight unscathed; or with their dignity intact; or at all for quite some time.

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