Stage 7: The solitude of ice

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Natalie was still following Toby after he reached Saffron city. Even though she knew following was the right idea, she was still tiered out from walking. She saw him disappear into an alley but rather than follow him in to the unknown, she decided to send her Pigeotto to continue following him.

Natalie was on her way to the pokemon centre when she saw a truck. There was nothing strange about this truck other than the people dressed all in black carrying crates off the truck, which appeared to be moving. Natalie edged forward cautiously keeping her wits about her. After making her approach, she peered around the corner to see what the crates contained. Inside stuffed together were pokemon. The pokemon had been thrown in and bundled up, restrained by netting. She recognised the grunts as members of Team Rocket. Natalie’s blood was boiling as she saw the untrained grunts attempt to handle the crates of pokemon. One of the grunts tripped and dropped the end of the crate he was carrying toppling the grunt on the other end over. The crate broke and the pokemon inside fell out and began running around. As the grunts ran around trying to scoop them up, a single Eevee ran over limply towards Natalie and hid behind her leg. One of the grunts noiced and turned to look at the corner shouting “Who goes there?” Natalie emerged from behind the corner slowly and ominously, pokeball in hand. The grunts saw her an reacted sending out their pokemon and preparing to detain the intruder. As some of the grunts ran forward Natalie looked up and they stopped in their tracks. Her eyes looked like pools of darkness tinted red by her murderous aura, her expression displaying her malicious rage. “If you think, you can touch this Eevee, or any of these pokemon,” began Natalie with a sharp but creepily slow tone, “I’ll wipe out all of you. Permanently!” With the last word she called Snivy from her pokeball and stood defensively in front of Eevee. Some of the grunts held back intimidated but others sent their pokemon charging forwards. “I want these crates and nets broken” spoke Natalie, “Snivy, full power vine whip, slice them open.” Snivy’s vines moved in a pair of green blurs, swiping through all the crates and nets it could reach from its current position. A moment after being struck, the crates would smash or slide in half and the nets would tear open where they had been sliced. Now the grunts were facing Natalie and a great deal of pokemon. At this point some of the grunts turned tail and tried to run, but Natalie responded: “Snivy, leaf tornado the all.” Snivy’s tail glowed green and it swung it producing a huge green tornado. The grunts and grunt pokemon who weren’t knocked out by Snivy’s attack were incapacitated by the freed pokemon who were also breaking the rest of the crates and nets until all of the pokemon were free. Eventually only one grunt still stood shaking; “W-who, what are y-you!?”

Natalie smiled sadistically: “Your worst nightmare.” At that moment Snivy’s vine whip knocked out the last guard. Natalie informed Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny of Saffron city anonymously before turning to the Eevee who was curled up next to her rubbing comfortably against her leg.  She smiled before leaning down and asking it, “Want to come with me?” The Eevee smiled and nodded and Natalie took a pokeball from her belt and caught the Eevee. As Natalie and Snivy turned to leave, there was a rattling as the door at the back of the loading bay was slowly opened. Natalie turned expecting more Team Rocket to be checking on the noise, but instead a familiar figure walked through the door. Accompanied by a Spheal and a Pigeotto was none other than Tobi. Natalie relaxed as Tobi approached her. “You know you made an awful lot of noise and mess out of here. If the rest of them had come and found you, you wold have had a lot of trouble you know?” quizzed Toby. “Well I guess I’m glad they didn’t then” Natalie responded. “Thank you for Pigeotto’s assistance” said Tobi returning Spheal to its pokeball and signalling to Pigeotto to return to Natalie, “But don’t stalk me like that please.” Natalie was still feeling confident from her last victory so she smiled returning Pigeotto and Snivy, before turning and replying: “Well then you better let me tag along with you then?” And with that Natalie walked off to get some rest, leaving Toby in the Team Rocket warehouse.

Pokemon: Gathering of the clouds!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora