Stage 5: Thundering determination! + Stage 6: A trick too far...

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~~~ Author's note. Stage 5 was written by myself and Dan expertly wrote stage 6.~~~

Stage 5: Thundering determination!

Morgan and Matt stood at the entrance of a cave just outside Rustbro city. “This is Rustbro cave!” announced Matt excitedly, “Here’s the next step!” Morgan couldn’t help but be intrigue by Matt’s near constant energy and enthusiasm as he marched into the cave.

Once inside Morgan saw that it there as a single right turn before a long tunnel stretching beyond her vision’s reach. The stone had an odd yellow hue and there was the echo of pokemon cries ringing throughout the cave. “Well this is weird” commented Morgan. Matt stepped forward and called out his Mawille, “This cave was widened and straightened by people to act as a go between Rustbro City and Verdenturf without crossing the volcano. The rocks are yellow because of the sulphur from the volcano.” “I guess you’d know all about this being from Hoenn” said Morgan looked around with wonder before asking: “If this was made as a shortcut, why is it so empty?” Matt kept walking at his usual speedy pace. As they progressed to the middle of the tunnel, Morgan saw a group of Whismur gathered round a pile of rocks blocking the tunnel. “Whismur are the only pokemon living in this tunnel, and to pass you have to face them” explained Matt as the Whismur gathered and turned to face them. Simultaneously all of the Whismur let out a myriad of noise from booming to screeching, so loudly the cave shook. Looking at Matt, Morgan saw him putting headphones in his ears and she followed his lead, turning her music up loud enough to try and block the Whismur’s noise. Matt raised his hand and said something. Suddenly Mawille opened its flytrap and let out a deafening roar like it had during the gym battle with Roxanne. Suddenly the noises of the Whismur stopped leaving only the intimidating roar from Mawille. Mawille continued to roar loud enough to shake the stones in the cave and break Morgan’s earphones. After a minute or two Mawille stopped. Needless to say all of the Whismur had fled. Removing her busted headphones, Morgan walked over to Matt who was inspecting the pile of rocks. “Well I guess we need Mawille to break these now” commented Morgan but instead of replying Matt inhaled heavily and lengthened his stance. With a single shout, Matt side kicked the pile of rocks shattering them. As the rubble settled Matt returned Mawille to its pokeball and turned to Morgan: “For that little rubble. No point wasting Mawille’s time”. Matt and Morgan both burst out laughing and proceeded through the cave.

Natalie was busy training north of Vermilion city. As Tobi walked towards her he saw the Pidgey she had caught evolve into a Pigeotto. He had walked of the previous day but came back to check on her at night to find her sleeping. This was the next evening and as the sun set over the grassy fields she as still training hard. He didn’t understand why but he felt it necessary to keep an eye on her just in case. He took his pokenav out of his pocket and into his bag. The truth was he hadn’t had it switched on since Rustbro city. Still confused by Matt’s message, he looked back to Natalie who was setting up her tent. He stared for moment thinking but scrunched his face and shook his head before walking off.

After spending the remainder of their day having fun in Verdenturf town, Matt and Morgan had stayed the night at the pokemon centre and by midday the following day they reached Maville City. It wasn’t a massive city with relatively few story building but the whole city had wires and electricity linked into it as a key theme without being overwhelming or messy. Not really interested in the gambling or bike shop, Matt asked Morgan if they could visit the power station at the bottom of the city. The chance to catch a cool electric-type pokemon was too enticing to resist.

Entering the power station Matt and Morgan were surprised to find that they were alone. Only the sounds of machines and the scurrying pokemon were audible. After a while wandering around Morgan tapped Matt on the shoulder excitedly pointing at a Pluse and Minun. Matt nodded as they both grabbed a pokeball each ready for battle. Plusle and Minun turned to see Matt and Morgan call out their pokemon. Matt used Combusken and Morgan used her Mawille. “This is the first time I’ve seen your Mawille battle,” commented Matt, “I take it it’s a strong as mine”. Morgan looked ahead at the Plusle ready to battle, too focused to respond. Plusle made the first move attacking them with swift. “We can’t dodge this one” commented Matt. “Mawille, bite to stop them!” commanded Morgan. Mawille opened its jaws wide before snapping down on the star shaped projectiles. “I know that move!” announced Matt excitedy, “that’s the one I had my Mawille use at Rustbro gym to block Nosepass’ attacks!” Morgan smiled and nodded, ready to go on the offensive. “Mawille, vicegrip!” ordered Morgan. Mawille charged at Plusle and caught it in its jaws. Minun jumped at fired an electro ball at Mawille. But just before impact, Combsken punched the attack and was able to deflect it, though sparks still crackled around its claws. Without hesitation Matt issued a command: “Combusken- ember!” Combusken’s ember struck Minun and sent it tumbling backwards. Panicked Plusle tried to use electro ball but a shake of Mawille’s head and it was disrupted. Minun once again attacked Mawille, this time using signal beam but Combusken launched another ember to counter it. As Minun looked back at Plusle, it saw its friend disappear into a pokeball in a glow of red light. A few moments later the pokeball stopped moving and Plusle had been caught. Morgan smiled as she ran over to retrieve her new friend, but Minun was too shocked to move. A few moments later it crashed to the floor and began to cry. As it wept Matt picked it up and gave it a hug. “Come on,” spoke Matt in a surprisingly calm and comforting tone, “I’d like you to come with me. You’ll be able to get stronger and stay with Plusle”. Smiling through its tear, Minun nodded and Matt proceeded to tap it on the head with a pokeball.

Pokemon: Gathering of the clouds!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat