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[scarlett's pov]

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[scarlett's pov]

It was ridiculous really. The bounty I have over my head; the bounty I've had on my head ever since I landed on the ground.

Yes, the ground is survivable. The Council and everyone on the ark was wrong. We never had to wait hundreds of years. They sent me down here to die, but instead; I lived. Yeah, one hell of a life, huh? Getting chased by grounders every day, even though I am no threat. Well, maybe I am.

What are grounders you may ask? Grounders are people who actually survived the nuclear attacks that happened. They survived a nuclear blast. How cool is that? But now, they are aggressive. The new world made them like that.

The new world made me into the person I am today. The girl on the ark no longer exists, the girl I am now consists of pain, anger, grief. All of these things I feel and I have no idea why anymore. I've forgotten why I'm in pain, why I am angry. It's just a normal feeling on a normal day for me.

My normal day down here was running from grounders, hunting for food. I've never left where I first landed, I've kept only 50 miles between me and my land site. I want to be where I landed, just in case the people of the ark ever come down.

I've been hoping they don't. I don't want to see my family in pain, running from grounders; reapers, and even the Mountain Men.

How am I getting all of this information you ask? Not all grounders are bad. My only friend down here, is Lincoln. I only see him a couple times overall in a month or so, but he keeps getting me info and doesn't get caught. It's incredible, really.

But, my hoping and praying didn't work. A drop ship landed on the ground not long ago. Why haven't I gone and seen them? Maybe it's because I don't want to see anyone. I don't want to get attached to anyone, I don't even want to see if my family is down here. But it was just a matter of time until I saw someone, and I'm regretting that day.

[third person pov]

It was after Charlotte. Murphy was regretting what he did, but then again, they hung him. He wanted the bitch dead and he got it. But why was there regret bubbling up inside of him?

His hand gripped tightly onto the knife that Finn threw at the ground next to him before they left, but he kept his position on the dirt floor.

Scarlett limped on through the woods, the small knife's handle sticking out of her left side. She had gotten into a fight with a grounder, and it didn't end well. For the grounder, at least. After she had gotten stabbed by him, she killed him.

Her eyes landed on a small body laying a couple yards away from her, his chest heaving up and down. She scanned his condition; he didn't look like he had any major wounds, but his face was beaten up.

"Hey!" She whispers, making the boy pop himself up and turn towards her. His face seemed familiar to her, and that's when she realized that he was from the group that came from the ark. "I kinda need help here."

Her voice wavered, her stance was no longer strong as she was stumbling, almost falling onto the ground.

Even though Murphy had no idea who she was, her face was very familiar to him; and he realized that the only time he ever saw a face as beautiful as her's it was from the ark. He suddenly recognized her, knowing that she was the girl that was sent down to earth because she couldn't have kids, and she was a twin. She was an abomination.

He quickly got up from his spot, grabbing her waist and wrapping her arm around his shoulders before she could fall; as she was about to.

"Thanks." A small ghost of a smile rested on her face, until she cringed again from the pain in her side from the small blade. "W-What's your name?"

His eyes lingered around her face, staring at her pained features, until he started to walk away slowly, keeping her up with his hand gripping her hand that was around his own shoulders, and his arm tight around her waist. He gulped, then suddenly speaking, his voice hoarse from the beating that had just occurred to him.

"John Murphy, but just call me Murphy."

And with a nod from Scarlett, they entered into the dark woods.

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