Chapter 2) Let's hang out

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So here's the next chapter =)


Chapter 2

After what happened that night, me and Elena went home. Even on the way back, Elena kept fangirling and she still can't believe that she actually met Justin and hugged him and he knows her name. All the time I was trying to cool her down but it's obviously not working so I gave up trying after a few times. Elena stayed over at my house again that night because it was really late and I'm the one driving and I don't want to go home alone in the dark after sending her back so I asked her to stay over. She had a few clothes in my house because she's slept over at my house for a trillion times and she always forgets to take her clothes back so she just left it in my house.

We finally got home and we started chatting about everything that'd happened that night and that it was really awesome. I gotta admit that I've actually enjoyed Justin's concert and I'm really happy that I met him and got his phone number. After our conversation, Elena felt really sleepy so she went to bed first. I stayed up thinking about everything and trying to filter what just happened. Justin said that he wanted to keep in touch with me, so should I text him? Or should I just ignore about it 'cause he might forget about me tomorrow. Yep, he won't remember me by tomorrow so I'll just might as well as forget about it. After arguing with myself in my head for quite a time, I fell asleep. But before I fell asleep, I decided to ignore what I've been thinking before and grab my phone to quickly text him.

Hey Justin, it's me, Christine. You probably don't remember me already but I just wanted to say goodnight and I really enjoyed your performances. hehe.. =)


After texting him I threw my phone into my drawer and slept comfortably.

Morning had arrived, the sun was shinning into my room. I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth and wore a casual outfit. I went downstairs to the kitchen and made a simple breakfast of fried egg and 2 sausages. I mage breakfast for Elena too and she woke up shortly after I just finished cooking her breakfast. "Morning, Chrissy. Oooo I see you're making breakfast. Way to wake me up with food." Elena said and laughed at her last sentence while walking towards the kitchen. "Morning, Lena(her nickname). Haha, smart, eh? By the way, get your ass here and eat your breakfast made by le awesome cook" I winked at her and chuckled. Elena returned me with a 'you've got to be kidding me' look and said sarcasticly "Le awesome cook? Make sure I don't end up in a hospital being food poisoned" I laughed and so did she. We ate our breakfast and went on the couch, turned on the TV to Disney Channel. Wizards of Waverly Place was playing and suddenly, my phone buzzed. Wow, I never thought that he would bother to reply. Oh well, my luck.

Hey ;) Well, surprisingly, I do remember you. Why wouldn't I? And sorry I didn't reply you last night cz I was exausted and crashed onto my bed the minute I step in my room. Hope u won't mind =)

-Justin B

A smile was displayed on my face after reading his message. I don't know why but I'm feeling a sprinkle of happiness being sprinkled over me when he replied me. Why would I feel happy? I don't even like him. I mean, sure yeah I admire him for playing the piano and all but, nevermind. I don't even understand myself. I replied him anyway 'cause it'd be rude if I don't .

Wow. a super mega celebrity remembers an ordinary girl from m&g. That IS a bit surprising. Btw, nah.. I wouldn't mind. I understand that u're a busy person ;)


I pressed on the send button and continue watching WOWWP with Elena. "Who's that? I've never seen you smile when you receive a text, ever. I'm smelling a rat. SPILL." Elena suddenly demanded me to tell her what's going on. "Nah. It's nothing, really. It's just a friend who texted me and said something funny that made me smile." I replied with a it's-only-a-friend look. My words didn't completely made her to tune down her curiosity but she just replied me "Hmmm... If that's what you say so, then I believe you" I felt kinda guilty because she's my friend but I couldn't tell her about the Bieber thing otherwise she'll go all crazy. My phone vibrated again so I checked what was his reply.

Awww... how understanding of u. And I like u;) U don't treat me like I'm Justin Bieber. U treat me like I'm me. I treasure that. Btw, wanna hang out sometime?

-Justin B

I read the message again after finished reading it the first time. Justin wants to hang out with me? Hmmm.. I guess he won't bite.

Ofcourse I am;) And thanks 4 the compliment=) Honestly, u're just a normal person to me so it's not really a big deal to freak out just because I've met u.=P Btw, sure. I'd like to. When?


Justin is a really nice person after knowing him for the pass few minutes. He's no where near to what the paps says he is. The paps are just a bunch of bullshits creating stupid stories for money. I really despise them for making pretend stories about celebs just to earn money. Don't they have anything better to do than to put people down? Such disgusting people! If only the paps never existed, the life of celebrities would be SO much better than it is now. "Hey, your phone vibrated." Elena told me. I didn't heard her because I was deep in my own thoughts so she shaked me and said "Hello? Chrissy. Wakey wakey your phoney vibrated and I don't think people fancy slow replies." "Oh! I'm sorry. Haha.. I was thinking about something.And you're right, I don't think slow replies are polite." I said.

How bout..........

-Justin B


Author's note~

That's it for the 2nd chapter x) Wait for the 3rd chapter to know what Justin replied;) And I'm sorry if it was kinda boring cz the interesting part is yet to come. Btw, I really hope that you'll vote for it and continue reading my story! =) STAY TUNED. Bye..

Remember, VOTE! Thank you!

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