Chapter 13) She confessed

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Elena climbed on top of him and sat on top of him in a sex position and wanted to take Justin's shirt off. Despite the pain in Justin's stomach, he tried his best to push her away and got off the bed. "I can't believe you actually wanted to do that! I don't care what my best friend do to me but I know that I'll NEVER betray a friend like that!" Justin shouted in anger. "Well, that's you, I'm me. We have different personality. You may have a good and forgive-able heart but not me!" Elena was drowned in anger and it seemed quite impossible to take her back to the surface. "Still, Chris is your best friend. You should have forgiven her because you know what, nobody's perfect! Everybody makes mistakes, don't you know? Haven't you heard of Hannah Montana's song?" Justin said made a signal for me to come out from my hiding place. "Yeah right. Who cares about Hannah Montana? Obviously most of the teens but I'm definitely not one of them." Elena made her point straight. After she finished that sentence, I immediately came out from the balcony and entered into the room. The minute Elena saw me, her eyes became so freaking huge. "Chrissy! When, why and how are you here?! I thought you said you wanted to go some- wait a minute, when you said you had a place to go to, you meant Justin's hotel!" Elena was totally shocked by my appearance. "Yup, you're darn right. And I couldn't believe that you actually did what you did and thought of doing something with Justin! He's mine and I won't allow things like that happen! Plus, you're my best friend! How could you hurt me like this??" I was really angry and hurt during that moment. The sadness, anger and disappointment all thrown to me three at a time. How could a normal person handle these feelings? "Hah.. You never thought I'd do this, do you? Well, thanks to you. It all started because of you. If you wanna be mad or blame someone, do it to yourself, not me. So you enjoyed spending your time with Justin, eh? You even spent your birthday with him without asking me to join. Some best friend you are!" I was at lost of words that time because I had to admit that it all started was indeed because of me. "I was the one who told her not to tell anyone even her best friend. Don't you get it? I am the one you should be mad at, not her! Besides, we were supposed to just hang out that day and I didn't know that it''s her birthday till the night before. I was the one who wanted to hang out with her that day, not the other way around. Don't be so childish and make everything worse just because of a teeny, tiny little thing!" I could see the anger in Justin's face. His face was super red and flames were coming out of his head. "I don't care! I'm still mad! No one can calm me down because none of you have ever felt like this!" Elena was about to cry but she managed to put those tears back into her eyes. "But Lena, you could have told me and I could have introduced you to Justin and we all can be best friends now. Isn't that a whole lot better? Why do you have to make everything so complicated?"

"Because I was stupid, ok? Now everything has gone worse and honestly, I do regret this. But what's done is done. I can't redo what I did and I can't face both of you anymore. Plus, because of this revenge, I've made a lot of sex with different guys to improve my skills and I don't think I could remove that from me. I'm unclean and you have no idea what it feels like to swallow the fear to have sex with different guys and can't stop. You don't know how it feels because you've never even had sex with strangers!" Tears were falling cats and dogs on her cheeks. She finally surrendered to the sadness and hurt in her. I couldn't believe that she did all that because of one revenge. All of those accumulated, no wonder she's so... I don't know how to say. But instead of comforting her, I was mad. I was mad because she said I have no idea how it feels like to have sex with stranger. Sure Tristan was no stranger but still, I got raped! I was mad because instead of confessing all this to me aka her best friend, she chose the wrong road to continue her walk. "How could you say that I don't know how it feels? Did you even know what happened to me when you weren't around? NO! I know how you feel! Sure I didn't have sex with a bunch of strangers but you should have confessed to me and everything would be better than now! I'm your best friend, Lena." I cried. I couldn't control myself anymore. "What happened to you? And I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry!" Elena finally apologized. That was surprising. "I don't even wanna talk about it. I'm outta here." I took my stuffs and left Justin's room. Justin tried to stop me but I told him to just please leave me alone.

Elena's POV

Christine left. I didn't know what to feel. Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Or Sorry? I didn't know. I just sat on Justin's bed and stared at the floor trying to analyse what just happened. "You wanna know what happened to Chris? She got raped by Tristan. She lost her virginity to him whom she didn't even thoroughly loved! Sure she doesn't know how you feel but you don't know how she felt too! You volunteered! She was forced! See the difference? Though you didn't really wanted to but at least you were prepared. " Justin told me and left the room. I was left alone there. Justin most probably left because he needed to get ready for the concert. I don't think me and Christine was going to the concert anymore. Neither of us had the mood to go. Christine got raped yet she could be such a happy and positive person on the outside even though inside, she's hurt so badly. Wow, Chrissy's a really strong person, unlike me. Just a small thing and I made it like the biggest problem ever. What have I done? My life was already hopeless. I had sex with a bunch of strangers that I don't even liked and even if I do have a boyfriend one day, I wouldn't know how to face him. I'm such an unclean person. I was a whore, a slut. Who would want a girl like me? I could already be considered as a prostitute selling my body so easily just to gain experience and improve my skill because what? I actually thought that I would succeed in seducing Justin and would actually have sex with him? Yeah right. What was I thinking? Anger has made my senses gone wild. Anger is such a powerful thing that if one doesn't deal with it immediately and properly, that person would be like me. I don't mean they'd go have sex with every guy on earth but it could lead them to something dangerous or they could permanantly damage their life. I felt so useless. I don't even deserved to continue living on this planet. At that moment, I thought of commiting suicide but then I thought of my family. Sure I've done a lot of mistakes but I know no matter what, my family will always love and forgive me. I was already standing on the balcony deciding to jump but somehow the thought of my family had saved me. I couldn't be so selfish. If I die, I might end my sufferings but I'd ruin my parents' life. Besides, I don't even think my suffering would end if I die. I might ended up in hell. I left the hotel and went back to ours. I knew that Christine wouldn't be there because she wouldn't want her mum to ask about what happened, why was she crying and stuffs so I felt safe to go back to our hotel. By the time I arrived the hotel, it was already about 7.30 pm and Justin's concert probably already started. I went into our room to find that Christine was there! Crap, I thought she wouldn't come back but I guess I was wrong. The atmosphere was really tense so I just climbed onto my bed and took my phone out trying to avoid eye contact with Christine. 



Hey guys. I'm sorry that I took so long to update a new chapter because I was having a massive writer's block and I literally couldn't think of anything at all. I still had writer's block though while writing this story but I managed to think of something, thank goodness. I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry if this chapter is kinda crappy. Please understand =) Anyways, VOTE for this story! x) Will update very soon again.

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