Chapter 14) Friends?

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(Still on Elena's POV)

Christine looked at me for a while, then looked away. Suddenly, she stood up and said "Hey mom, don't you think you need to take a bath already?" while opening the bathroom's door for her. "I guess you're right, sweetie." Christine's mum went into the bathroom and did her business. "So... Why did you came back to the hotel?" I asked Christine softly. "What you think only you are allowed to come here? Where am I gonna stay if I don't come back here?" Yikes. She was still mad. "That's not what I meant." Of course she knew that wasn't what I meant gosh she was just trying to avoid talking to me why was I so dumb. " I'm just done with crying, OK? It won't make everything better by crying so why do I need to go somewhere else to hide myself from my mum? I just ...... never mind. You can do whatever you want to do now. I won't care. Slap me, scold me, yell at me, unfriend me, I'm cool with that. It's my fault after all for making you like this." What??? She actually said that! I was gonna say sorry and stuffs and I was gonna forgive her too but her words made me even angrier. " Fine then! If you hate me so much now then I might as well unfriend you!" I yelled at her with all my anger thrown out. " I hate you? Do you not get it? I said that for you to release your anger because I don't want you to continue living in the world of hatred that would slowly ruin your life, Lena. I still care for you because I still consider you as my best friend! I could never hate you. We have too many good memories together and I can't bring myself to hate you because of some mistakes you didNo matter what I'll never hate you because we're best friends, aren't we? I may not be a best friend to you anymore but you'll always be mine. If you have any problems you could still come to me and we could still solve it." 

      Tears started to fall down my cheeks after what Christine had said. After what I had done to her, yet she's still willing to forgive me and still take me as her best friend. Christine's practically a saint to have such good heart. "I... I'm sorry, Chris. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. I know you say that you forgive me but I know that you're still hurt, too. So... friends?" I smiled at Christine and waited for her reply. "Friends." we hugged each other tightly and I never ever wanna lose my best friend again no matter what. You know when they say that friends are your everything? Well, I finally know what it really means and know that it is real instead of just some ridiculous saying. "Awww.. Friend's hug. Can I join you guys?" Christine's mum suddenly came out of the bathroom and saw us hugging and of course, we said yes. We remained in that position for about 5 seconds.

      Me and Christine sat on my bed and we began talking non-stop. It was ironic how we didn't even bothered to speak a word to each other a few minutes ago and now we're talking like we never had a fight at all. Everything came out of our mouth naturally without feeling distant and awkward. I just realized that ever since I was mad at Christine, we never really talked and that was the first time that we actually talked for a long long time without stopping. I had a lot to say to her. Everything just came rushing out my mouth and before we know it, it was already 11pm. Wow, time passes by super quick. I was reluctant to go to bed because I wanted to continue our chat but my eyes betrayed my intentions. It kept closing half way and Christine noticed that so she said it's better if we both get some sleep and continue again the next day. "Haha.. Sure. Goodnight, poop head." I joked. "Goodnight smelly feet." Christine returned me with an even evil nickname. It was just a joke though. We both chuckled and went to bed.

------------------The next day. (Christine's POV)

Morning had arrive and the sun shined brightly on my sleepy face. I woke up and wanted to go take a bath because I promised Elena that we'd go out and celebrate for our restored friendship that day in a karaoke room-place-thingy. Before I went into the bathroom, I didn't see Elena. "How odd, Elena's not here. Where would she go?" I thought to myself. "Hey mum, where's Elena?" 

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