Meeting a new friend

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~A few years later~

Now I am 7 years old to my new family. My new mum is called Akane (L/n) my new father is called Richard (Ln) . I found out that my new mum is Japanese and my new father is half Chinese half english, although, he looks more form here then from China. Also my mum and dad are about the same age, about 21 and 22. My mother taught me how to speak Japanese and my father taught me how to speak Chinese. I pretended to say the words like my first time and they bought it. My mother insisted I'd call her 'Okasan' which means mum in Japanese and my father insisted me calling him 'Bà' which means dad in Chinese. So now, really I'm half demon, half human, half Chinese, half Japanese, half French and half English. What my Okasan  didn't get is why I had a French accent. Meh, I pretended to not know as well.

In the present time 

"(Y/n), my sweet Sakura! We are going to my friend's house," my mother yelled from inside the house. I was outside, admiring the lovely Sakura trees with my dog, Pochi. He was a Japanese peach dog and was quite small. I got up from the bench and ran inside, wearing my pink kimono, with Pochi running with me. My maid Amu, who was also Japanese, gave me a little cardigan to put around me since it was quite cold. I thanked her and held my Okasan's hands and gave Pochi to my maid,  Bà was already inside the caridge. I stepped inside and sat beside the window, watching everyone outside. "Ahh, my little princess, what were you doing in the garden today," he said, his emareld eyes looked at me gently. "Well, me and Pochi was sitting in the Sakura garden. They are really pretty this time of the years," I said enthusiasticly. It was true, they were nice this time of year. The Sakura were a lovely rosey pink and some were like fallen snow, so delicate and pretty. The man nodded, his black locks along with them. "True, my little Sakura, they a beautiful this time of year,"  I nodded, my ruby eyes gleamed with happiness. I will protect my Okasan and Bà, for I could do nothing when I had to see my father go away from me. "Daggar! Look! The so called 'beautiful family' is coming by!" A 'peasant' said. She had light brown hair and a blue eye? Hair bangs were covering her other eye so I don't know. The boy that was sitting down looked at me though the window and smiled and nodded "She is a beautiful one, ain't 'ee" I blushed and smiled. "Mr, stop the coach please," the man did as he was told and my parents looked at me curiously. I hoped of the step and ran to the people. "Ello there! My name is (Y/n)! Nice to finally meet your aquintance," I said and bowed. The two looked very surprised at me and I just giggled. "Miss, why did'cha stop the coach to see us? We're just some lousy old homeless people, not some over classed nobles," I shock my head and smiled again "It is beacuse, my family is diffrent form others. We hate looking down on people. It's just...not right," the two smiled and hugged me. I laughed and hugged them back. I pulled some coins out form my cardigan pocket and gave it to them "Here, go buy yourself some bread. You deserve it," I gave the money to the girl and she rushed to the bakers. 

Sundenly, I heard a thud and whipped my head to the noise. A ginger haired boy was on the ground with a bread in his hand while a baker had his hand to wack the poor boy. Quickly, I ran to them and held the hand so that he won't be able to hit him. The man whipped his head to me and was about to yell at me, but when  he realised it was me, quickly went out of the way. "I-I'm so sorry Miss! It's just that this boy stole-" "What this boy did was to stay alive. Don't we all do it? It is not his fault that he was so eager for food that he stole. He probably hates doing it, infact, what would you do if you had no, food, water, a home, or a bed? You. Would. Steal. So next time, if someone is begging for food, think about them and what I just said?" The man nodded. I walked up to the boy who looked 10-12. "Hello there ol' chap! Get up from the dirt! Your gonna be wet," I smiled at him and he smiled back. He got up and hugged me, well, I was up to his ribcage, but, what eves. "Thank you, you have been nice to me," he whispered. I sighed and smiled "Well then, in honour of me, please joke and smile even if something wrong happens, ok?" He nodded and I pulled out of the hug. "(Y/n), darling, we need to go!" I huffed and murttered under my breath "The wonders of being a noble, huh?" The boy next to me laughed "Keep up the work, Joker!" I yelled as I went to my coach. He looked surprised at me and I just simply smiled. He grinned and nodded. "Goodbye, Darling!" I pouted childishly and waved at him. 

"Sakura, that is quite the speech you gave out there. I'm proud of you," My Okasan said happily, once I got of the coach. I smiled at her and nodded "Agritoasimasu, Okasan," I said and she laughed her sweet melody as some would call it. We are known as the 'beautiful family' or the 'purest of all', and because of this, people were fooled for they were in a group called the 'astriocasts of evil' and would go to their friends every Friday ((I made that up but the name is true)) I would stay at home with the maid, Amu, and the butler, Edward. My Bà patted my head affectionately and I just smiled, this is my happy family now. I do miss my father, but her promised he would come back.

Timeskip to the house

We stopped infront of a mansion and I hopped off on my own, no need for butlers. I ran to the door and knocked it in a rhythm. My Okasan and Bà was at my side at no time and a butler opened the door. "Ho Ho Ho, my name is Tanaka, please, follow me," he stepped inside and held the door opened and let me go inside first. I looked around the hosuse and it was really nice. The butler then showed us outside and I saw two kids playing 'London bridge is falling down'. The boy and bluelish-blackish hair and dazzling blue eyes. He was wearing sailor type uniform without the hat and knee lengthed, black socks with matching shoes. The girl had blonde, curly hair that were put into 2 pony tails and had green eyes, but not as green as Bà. She was wearing a simple pink dress and pink shoes with white socks that reached to her ancles. They noticed me and the girl ran up to me "Hello! My name is Elizabeth Midford! Nice to meet you!" She reached her hand for me to shake and I hesitately grabbed hers and shock it. The boy ran to a man's leg and hid there, he's probably shy. I smiled at her and bowed "Konichwa, watashi wa (Y/n) (L/n) desu," The girl blinked and then hugged me tight "Yay! You come from a diffrent country! That is soooooo cool!" I blinked and tried to rip from her embrace and, let's just say, it only got tighter "E-Eto, i-if your gonna hold me so tight, I'm gonna turn into a ghost," the girl let me go and I breathed in a hunk of air. "Go on Ciel, talk to her," a man said across from me. He had blueish hair as well and brown eyes. To be honest, he was handsome. The boy that hid slowly came towards me. "H-Hello m-miss. My n-name is Ciel Ph-Phantomhive. P-Pleasure to meet you," The boy named 'Ciel' said. I smiled and said "Ni hao! My name is (Y/n) (L/n). Pleasure to meet you Ciel," The boy looked surprised at me and he exclaimed "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Miss (Y/n)!" He was adorable, cute and-hold up, I'm falling for a 7 year old boy?! Get a grip woman! You are, what, 27 years old and your hitting on a boy that is 7 year old!? Shame one me. But he was very cute, and since I was the same age as himwhen I turned into a baby, I...guess it could be allowed. I blushed and giggled. I grabbed his hand and Elizabeth's and ran to the women. "Come on! Let's play 'London bridge'!" I shouted and we played with the pretty ladies.

Akane's POV 

I watched my precious lily play with Ciel and Elizabeth. She was so happy playing with my best friend's son. It's a sham that they made him be engaged to Elizabeth. But it's ok, I don't approve of it though 

"Ahh, look at them playing, such nice children,"

 I turned around and saw Vincient Phantomhive standing there. I smiled and nodded "It's nice to see them play," He nodded and stood beside me "Let's just hope that they don't hurt themselves," I nodded again. 

??? POV 

I watched my darling play with the boy and girl. She looked so happy. I'm glad I made that decision, despite me not having contact with her. 

'Don't worry my little kitten, I will always look after you'


((THIS WAS SO BORING AHHHHUHHHHH...I have to make more intresting chapters...)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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