Chapter 1

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My fingers tapped on the wood counter. I was growing impatient. I wanted to fill out my paperwork and run from this building. It felt like my walls were closing in on me. Being here at UCLA was supposed to make everything better. Yes, Liam and Louis were both here. We’re all friends now. Things weren’t complicated with them anymore. Here I thought I could escape my thoughts and feelings. The only way to move on from Niall was to start over. Now that was ruined.

“Okay” the secretary sighed. “What can I do for you Miss Chambers?” I was always a spontaneous person. I never really thought anything through before acting on it. It was a gift and a curse. Mostly it got me into trouble but it forced me to do thing I normally wouldn’t.

“Course drop form please” I replied. It sounded like more a question than a request. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to mess with my schedule my first semester. I knew I wouldn’t survive the entire semester with him. Especially in an anatomy class.

“Are you sure you would like to drop Professor Horan’s class? He’s a great teacher. Really good reviews.” She was talking him up. I wondered if he had slept with her too. She seemed to blush at the mention of his name. It made me sick.


“I’ll give you the form. Take some time. Think about it.” She handed me the paper and placed it in my bag. “I will warn you though. Dropping anatomy will put you behind in your major.”

“I appreciate your concern. I think I’m making the right decision.” I didn’t take well to people telling me what was best for me. I was the only person to judge that. I walked quickly out of the administrative building.

Dana and Tori were waiting in the cafeteria for me. Luckily we all had off at the same time for lunch. Even after everything ended with Niall I didn’t tell anyone. Not even Tori. I didn’t know what to tell Dana. She wouldn’t understand why I was dropping a core class of our freshmen year.

Someone pulled me into an office. My first reaction was to slap that person. The door closed and locked before I had a chance to even see who dragged me in here.

“What are you doing Kellie?” Niall leaned against his desk. I was still in shock from this morning. Why was my past haunting me? What did I do so wrong to deserve this?

On top of that he looked incredible. Being a professor, the attire was a bit more laid back. He could wear jeans and a plain shirt or a suit if he wanted to. The maroon shirt he was wearing was my favorite. It brought out the blue in his eyes. He knew I loved it on him too. It’s like he was aware that I was going to be in his class this morning. Maybe he was. He had the course roster but I’m sure there are plenty of Kellie Chambers in the world.
“Nice office” was all I said. I was at a loss. I had no idea how to act around him. I still had so much built up anger towards him. I was crushed when he ended things but I understood why. I’m the one who messed up. He set clear rules about our relationship. I broke them. It hurt when he left after New Year’s but what really infuriated me was how he acted afterwards. He blatantly ignored me. He made me feel unwanted. He ruined me.

“You don’t have do that.”

“Do what?” I scoffed. He grabbed my bag and pulled out the drop form. “That’s my decision.”

“I can’t let you drop. It’s a prerequisite. It would put you a semester behind.”

“I’ll find another class. It will be fine.”

“Every anatomy class is full. Be smart about this.” He ran his fingers down my arm. One gentle touch and I was ready to fall again.

“Don’t worry about it.” I ripped the paper from his hands and filled it out in front of him.

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